Theatre for Kids

Creative Kids Saskatchewan — A Shout-Out

All week I’ve been celebrating the joy of kids in theatre. We need to remember that not all kids have easy access to experiences like this. Today I was with others of the arts and cultural community in my city, to celebrate the program Creative Kids Saskatchewan, which makes it possible for kids who live in poverty, or have other barriers to arts and cultural experiences, to take music, dance, theatre, art — and to thus have their lives enhanced in the myriad ways that the arts contributes to life.

William at Stages Theatre — for the First Time!

I am honored to have another guest today. You had a teaser for this story yesterday, in Jennifer Kirkeby’s post about adapting Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama Red Pajama as a stage musical. Today you get to read the story in its entirety. Nora Davis writes for the Hopkins, Minnesota Business & Civic Association newsletter. She has graciously given me permission to reprint her post from that newsletter telling the story of William’s first visit to Stages Theatre to see Llama Llama Red Pajama come to life. Click for more…

Jennifer Kirkeby — Wednesday Worthy

It is an absolute joy to me to have a guest post today from Jennifer Kirkeby. Jennifer is a fellow member of the 12 x 12 picture book challenge, and the Children’s Book Hub Facebook Group, and I am so grateful that because of these groups I have come to know Jennifer, at least a bit. She’s a multi-faceted person, an actress, playwright, dancer, choreographer, director… the list goes on. Most recently, she brought the wonderful picture book Llama, Llama, Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney to the stage. It had a successful run at Stages Theatre Company in Hopkins, Minnesota, and has been on the road, as well. In their four-week run they played to about 22,000 people!   Yesterday, you had a sneak preview of the production through photographs. Today you get to read the story of how the book went from page to stage, straight from the llama’s mouth. Click for more…

The Importance of the Arts in Raising Bookworms

I am a firm believer in the importance of the arts in children’s lives. That is perhaps readily recognizable through the tagline of my blog, “Writing, Reading, the Arts, and Life.” For me, those four things are inextricably entwined. Drama, dance, music, the visual arts – they all have the capacity to enhance a child’s self-esteem. They also have the capacity to enhance a child’s appreciation of and understanding of the written and spoken word.

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