My Editing Qualifications

My Editing Qualifications

In any profession, continuing education, aka professional development, is important. Editing is no different. It is important to work at improving one’s skills and knowledge throughout one’s career. I will continue to update this page as I take new classes and continue to hone my skills.

My qualifications include:


Poynter/ACES Certificate in Copy Editing (ACES is the American Copy Editors Society)


Poynter/ACES Certificate Course

GALE Course, “The Keys to Effective Editing”

Some of the Editing Webinars I’ve Taken:

Editing for Young Readers (ACES)

Bricklaying: Editing for Structure (ACES)

Introduction to Developmental Editing (EFA) (EFA is the Editorial Freelancers Association)

Developmental Editing of Fiction (EFA)

Finding Your Voice (EFA)

The Art of Feedback (EFA)

Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style (EFA)

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I believe it helps my editing greatly that I am also a writer. The courses I take and the webinars I attend as a writer also enhance my editing abilities. Therefore, I’m also listing writing memberships and courses.


Member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators)


Just Write for Kids – Picture Book writing course from Emma Walton Hamilton

Just Write for Middle Grade – MG writing course from Emma Walton Hamilton

Crafting Dynamic Characters (Writing Mastery) with Mary Kole and Jessica Brody


Co-Administrator of Children’s Book Hub Facebook Group, with Emma Walton Hamilton

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