Previously, subscribing to my blogposts simply meant that any time I blogged, the post would pop into your inbox.
I wanted to offer you more than simply the occasional blogpost, so now I’ll be publishing a monthly newsletter at the end of each month, that will include
thoughts about writing
suggestions for self-editing
what I’ve been reading
links to resources I have found for both writing and editing
links to any blogposts I may have done during that month
something just for fun
I hope this will give you added value and will be of benefit to your own writing and reading life.
To subscribe, you may use the form below. It’s double opt-in, so you will need to confirm your intent to subscribe. Shortly after you’ve confirmed, my welcome newsletter should land in your inbox.
About a week after the newsletter goes out by email, it will be posted on my website, in case you want to refer to it again. Check in the drop-down menu.
Thank you for your interest! Here’s to lots of reading, writing, and learning together in the coming months!