June Accountability Check-In… and Something Special for 12x12ers

Is June over already? How did that happen? I have a bit (not much) to report as I check in on my accomplishments for the month, and I’m going to do it a little differently this time. Darlene Foster has been sweet and generous, and has given me TWO blog awards this week, the “One Lovely Blog Award” and the “Reader Appreciation Award.” Thank you so much, Darlene! Because of these awards, 12 x 12 participants will definitely want to read to the end of this post to see how my celebration of the half-way mark for 12×12 concludes today. Since, like many of these blog awards, one of the requirements is to share seven things about oneself, I am going to do my check-in as my seven things. Click the magic words to find out what I did this month!