No Foolin’! Punxsutawney Phyllis Visited Saskatchewan!

We’re taking a brief detour from Director’s Week because of the visit of a certain groundhog. As I mentioned when I reviewed Susanna Leonard Hill’s delightful picture book, April Fool, Phyllis! for Perfect Picture Book Friday a couple of weeks ago, Phyllis the Incredible RockStar Groundhog is currently on a World Tour. Not only is she cavorting all over the globe, spreading joy and weather reports wherever she goes, she seems to be able to be in three or more places at once! That’s one talented groundhog. Phyllis and I spent a couple of days last week sightseeing in and around my home city in Saskatchewan, Canada. (Phyllis and I made a deal — I’d learn to spell Punxsutawney if she’d learn to spell Saskatchewan. It seemed a fairly even trade.) I have to tell you right now, it is great fun sightseeing with a groundhog, especially one as friendly and enthusiastic as Phyllis. She charmed everyone in her path (not that anyone who knows her will be surprised by that). It seems appropriate that although our sightseeing took place last week, I’m posting this on the first official day of Spring! Want to know what we did? Click the magic words…