From the archives — Reading Bev Brenna and Falling for Henry
This was originally posted on September 7, 2011. Reading Beverley Brenna (or at least, reading her books) is a use of time I can highly recommend. In fact, I do recommend that pastime, over and over again. I know that those of you whom I’ve already turned on to Bev’s books are awaiting the release of Falling for Henry with barely-disguised impatience. I have been figuratively pacing outside the birthing room of this novel for some years now. (As those of you who are writers will know, the gestation period for a book varies with each book.) Finally the due date is near. November 15, 2011 is the date that has been quoted. My pacing now has purpose. The labour is over, the birth pangs are beginning. What is this book that has made me wait so eagerly, telling people about this book long before it was ready to see the light of day, asking Bev about its progress more often than she likely would have liked, and now eagerly trumpeting its pending birth when that day is still more than two months away?