Thursdays with Emma Walton Hamilton — Interview Excerpts, Part FOUR

As I have done for the past few weeks, today I’m sharing an excerpt from the interview I did with Emma Walton Hamilton for the Children’s Book Hub on January 8, 2013. Emma is a bestselling writer, along with her mother, Julie Andrews, of picture books, easy reader/chapter books and middle grade novels. She is also an insightful freelance editor who has a keen eye, a knowledge of craft, an ability to see the whole picture, to see the story arc and to help writers to fully realize the potential of their manuscripts. (I speak from experience. Emma has worked with me on several of my manuscripts through manuscript evaluations and line edits, and she has helped me enormously in taking my writing to the next level.) In today’s excerpt from the full interview, Emma and I talk about how she got into editing. We had been discussing her theatre experience, and segued very naturally into the subject of her editing work.