How to Make a Picture Book — The Making of Bubblegum Princess: Part 2: Choosing your Illustrator/Choosing your Author

It’s the second Monday of the month, and that means it’s time for Julie Gribble’s guest post series on How to Make a Picture Book. I love the subtitle of today’s post: Choosing your Illustrator/Choosing your Author or How to Find a Best Friend for You and Your Story. If you missed the first post in the series, last month, click here. If you have any questions, or would like more information on anything Julie and Lori cover in today’s post, please ask in the comments, and Julie will answer in her next post. Thank you! I’m delighted that Julie has asked her illustrator, Lori Hanson, to chime in with her experiences in this collaboration. Julie’s words are in regular type, Lori’s are in italics and are labeled with her name. Let’s see what the two of them have to say…