Imogen Ragone

Imogen Ragone — Wednesday Worthy INTERVIEW

Imogen Ragone is a teacher of the Alexander Technique in Wilmington, Delaware. She completed the full-time, three-year training course (over 1600 hours) in Charlottesville, VA in 2006, and is certified to teach the Alexander Technique by the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). After completing her certification she moved to Wilmington, where she enjoys bringing the benefits of the Alexander Technique to a wide variety of people. In addition to teaching the Alexander Technique Imogen designs websites, primarily for other Alexander teachers, and is also passionate about sharing information about the Alexander Technique through the web, in particular through blogging and social media. My connection with Imogen came about due to one of those serendipitous events that happen on blogs. You may recall that I posted about the Alexander Technique in April. In fact, it was thinking “Aha! A is for Alexander Technique!” that made me decide perhaps I could do the A to Z challenge. That post was one of the most popular I’ve had on my blog, and I was delighted that some people who have practiced and taught the Alexander Technique commented on the post. One person suggested I look at a blog written by an AT teacher who was at the time doing a series specifically for computer users. I clicked the link provided, read the incredibly helpful post, and immediately became a follower of the blog — Imogen Ragone’s Body Intelligence blog. I’ve subsequently come to know her through email and Facebook, and I’m delighted that she agreed to this interview. So — click the magic words! Imogen has interesting thoughts, concepts, and practical suggestions awaiting you!

May Accountability Check-In

The Wednesday Worthy concept is taking a breather this week before launching in to an incredible series of interviews in June. After a fairly intense month in April with all those blogging challenges and platform challenges, here a challenge, there a challenge, everywhere a challenging challenge, May needed to be — and was — a complete change of pace. In fact, quite a bit of it was spent in doing things other than writing. To find out what I did (or did not) accomplish in May, as well as what’s coming up in June, click the magic words…

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