Julie Hedlund’s Kickstarter Campaign
Julie Hedlund is an innovator. She sees beyond the predictable and the possible to ask, “What if?” And the important thing is, she doesn’t stop at asking the question, she does something to find out what would happen if… She asked herself what if she asked a few friends to join her in trying to write twelve picture book drafts in twelve months, and rapidly discovered she had a phenomenon on her hands in the vastly popular 12×12. She asked herself what if she invited people to join her for a writers’ retreat in Italy, and the second year of Writer’s Renaissance is now gearing up. She asked herself what if her picture book manuscript A Troop is a Group of Monkeys were published as a storybook app, and now she has two lauded apps, and is speaking at writers’ conferences on the topic. Now, she’s asked herself what if she launched a Kickstarter campaign to publish her next picture book in a hybrid publishing experiment.