new blogging year

Time to Power Up the Blog at By Word of Beth!

  It’s time for a new blogging season here at By Word of Beth, and I’m ready for it. I’m planning what I hope will be interesting and engaging posts, including:   a series looking at why and how I write, and why and how others write, including profiles of other writers and the occasional interview posts that explore the basics of my logo – empowerment, arts, and words sharing books and experiences through Books, Encouragement, Teaching, Hope a bit of fun here and there NO alphabetical posts. Nope. Not going there again. 😉 Something you may not know about me is that I love to watch HGTV, particularly home-renovation shows (since the day for decluttering and organization shows seems to be over). A couple of my favorites (which are, alas, only reruns now) are Canadian shows Income Property and Leave It To Bryan. My favorite part of the show is the reveal. Which brings me to the reason I got onto this topic. If you look around my site, you’ll see that I’ve spent some time this summer renovating my website and now it’s time for the big reveal. First of all – there’s a new theme around here. I hope you’ll find it easy to navigate and appealing to read. It’s certainly easier for me on the posting end of things. There are still a couple of drop-down menus, but they’re not accordions. And TAGS are back! For some reason, my last theme didn’t allow tags on blog posts, and I have missed them. I’ve also revamped and rewritten all the pages (well, except the blog, of course. A blog is a blog.) There’s a new bio with anecdotes and pictures, although the brief, official-sounding one is still there as well. There’s a brand-new page about the basics of my logo, with a drop-down giving a few words about each of Empowerment, Arts, and Words, along with links to previous blog posts on each of those topics. There’s an easier-to-scroll-through version of my Resources for Writers page. There’s a link to my re-vamped Flubs2Fixes Editing website (yes, it’s been given a facelift, too. Watch for a link when the first post goes up on that blog.) There’s new information about my kid-focused website and blog, The Starborn Revue, including information about the coming serialized story, The Show MUST Go On. (And in case you’re wondering, The Starborn Revue has been refreshed and renewed, too. There’ll be a link here to the first post on Wednesday, so you can experience the reveal there, as well.) There are GDPR-compliant privacy and cookies policy statements in the links in the footer. And there’s a bright, shiny, and functional contact form. I hope you’ll take some time and look around at the new pages, and get a feel for the renewed site. I’ve had a good time with this “renovation” and I hope it will serve you better in time to come. Next week, I’ll be celebrating International Dot Day a little early. I hope you’ll join me for that. In the meantime, here’s to books, encouragement, teaching and hope!

By Word of Beth is back for another year…

…back with a new look for the site, some new features,  a new author photo and a new logo. It was fun (after the initial slight learning curve) to get the site all spiffed up in its new attire. The theme is “Divi” by Elegant Themes, which has a very cool drag and drop module set-up. I will continue to have fun as I learn to make the most of it. (And I’ve finally learned how to change text colors in my blog posts!) I’ve made a similar change at my other blog, The Starborn Revue. I also had fun creating the logo. It’s very simple, but it says what I want it to say. Over the summer I thought about why I focus so much on the arts in my writing and on my blog. It’s not just because I love music and theatre, although I do. It’s because music and theatre have bolstered my confidence, helped me to find talents and strengths that were hiding inside the shy child that I was — they have empowered me throughout my life. As I thought further, I realized that words — spoken words, sung words, and very importantly, written words — have also empowered me and continue to do so. So this year, I want to focus on the way we can be empowered by the arts and by words, and I want to do my part to help empower others. Thus the logo, with the words Empowerment ~ Arts ~ wordS in a circle, since they all follow each other and lead each other simultaneously. Also, because I love playing with words, the capitalized letters in the logo — the E of Empowerment, the A of Arts, and (oddly) the S of wordS — are my initials. I’m looking forward to getting back to doing interviews this blogging year, beginning with one this coming Monday, September 8, when I’ll be interviewing writing colleague Marcie Colleen about the teacher’s guides she creates. In the coming months, there will be interviews with poet, educator and editor Renee LaTulippe; writerpreneur and video maven Katie Davis; a return appearance by author, editor and educator Emma Walton Hamilton; and I also hope to do occasional interviews with authors and others, looking at how they have been empowered by the arts and by words. Julie Gribble will be back with her in-depth series on Making a Picture Book, beginning Monday, September 15th. Since the first Monday of the month was Labor Day here in North America, we decided to bump everything down a week in the schedule. Things will be back to their normal slots in October. The grammar Q&A, A Word with Beth, will be back (generally the third Monday of each month). This month, however, will have a slightly different focus. The Grammar Owl will return in October. (You can send in grammar and word use questions any time, to mail (at) flubs2fixes (dot) com.) Read-through Fridays will continue, mainly focusing on middle grade novels this year, with only the occasional Perfect Picture Book Friday post. Because of all the other things I have planned for Fridays, there’ll only be one book recommendation each month. Although I’d planned to do a PPBF post this month, I recently read a wonderful MG that I just have to share! A new feature on Fridays will be a monthly spotlight on an independent bookstore somewhere in the world, generally the fourth Friday of the month. Some will be stores I’ve been to, others will be ones that are on my bookstore bucket list. It’s my way of supporting independent bookstores. I think it’s going to be an exciting year! I hope you’ll join me regularly, here at By Word of Beth. What are your plans for the coming months?

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