Perfect Picture Book Friday

Perfect Picture Book Friday CELEBRATION!

I don’t have a Perfect Picture Book to share with you today (my last PPBF of the season was posted in May — The Very Fairy Princess: Graduation Girl), but something very special is going on in Perfect Picture Book Land today, and I wanted to help celebrate!   Susanna Leonard Hill’s amazing brainchild, PERFECT PICTURE BOOK FRIDAY, is celebrating its ONE HUNDREDTH posting day (which technically happened last week, but the celebration is TODAY!) CONGRATULATIONS, SUSANNA and all PPBFers!

The Year in Review

Just a few days left in this year — it’s hard to believe. I’m about to embark on Alayne Kay Christian’s Writer’s Whole Life Perspective life-coaching challenges, and will be starting with her challenge to list 31 achievements of 2012. Don’t worry, I won’t list all thirty-one here! I do want to take a look at the past year, though, and see where it has led. To do that, I’m going to focus on three categories — my involvement in online communities, my blogging, and my writing. Here we go…

Celebrating One Year of Perfect Picture Books!

It’s Perfect Picture Book Friday/Susanna Leonard Hill Week on By Word of Beth! On November 14, 2011, author Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog featured a post that piqued my interest (to say the least). Reviewing picture books every week? Sharing resources to help families, classes and libraries more fully utilize those picture books? I didn’t have to think for long. I was in. Judging from my comments (as elizabethanne) on Susanna’s original post on November 14th and on the inaugural PPBF post on November 18th, I didn’t find out about it the first day, but skidded in at the last minute on the first Friday to add my review of Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. I’ve been doing PPBF posts weekly ever since (although the entire PPBF group took a break over the summer.) It’s hard to believe it’s been a year…

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