Author name: Beth

Outside, Inside, and All Around the Box

An idea occurred to me a couple of days ago that suggested a possibility for a mini-series of blogposts. Because I wanted to play with the idea a bit, and to provide some added value to my blog during the current Comment Challenge, I’ll be posting “bonus” posts on the days I don’t usually post for the next few weeks. The idea is to take the title of a book, and find a writing tip within it. Specifically using titles of books other than writing-craft books as a springboard for musings about the writing process.

Comment Challenge — I’m in!

Every year for the past few years, MotherReader and Lee Wind have held a Comment Challenge, intended to encourage bloggers in the KidLit (Children’s Literature) blogosphere to circulate among each others’ blogs, leaving comments with a goal of commenting on five blogs a day for the next 21 days. The time chosen is based on the research that shows it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so the premise is that after participating in the challenge, the habit of reading other kidlit bloggers and encouraging one another will have been established.

Inspiration by SARK

  SARK is a writer, encourager, life-coach, creative mentor, quirky delightful thought-provoker, and so much more to the many people who have read her books, participated in her online courses, or done one of the other myriad of things that are available through her website, Planet SARK. I first encountered her when I was dealing with the grief of the impending deaths of my parents, and in searching the shelves of the local bookstore for the sustenance of words, I found her book Glad No Matter What: Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity. That book changed so much about my outlook and perspective on the entire grieving process. I am grateful that the book was there when I needed it. This year, I look forward to incorporating another of her books into the continuing process of becoming who I am meant to be, and doing what I am meant to do.

12 Writing Goals for 2012

I originally posted this list of goals on my old blog, elizabethannewrites. It seems appropriate that the post initiating my new blog should be the same listing of my writing goals for the coming year. (I have tweaked a couple of the dates, as they began to seem a little unrealistic.) I was inspired to do this sort of goal-setting by a post by my mentor, Emma Walton Hamilton, one year ago in which she outlined her goals for the coming year, and challenged us to do the same – and to hold each other accountable.

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