Support Independent Bookstores — Books, Bytes and Beyond in Glen Rock, New Jersey
How can you not love a bookstore that has this as a tagline on their website: Fine Literature for Young People? I can tell just from those words that this is a store that cares about kids and cares about sharing the best in children’s books with them. I haven’t (yet) been to Books, Bytes & Beyond, although it has crossed my personal radar a few times. It is definitely on my bucket list. And someone I know is going to be there very soon! Debbie Ridpath Ohi — a fabulous illustrator and now officially writer/illustrator who did a guest post here when the first book she illustrated was being launched — is about to go out on a book tour for the first picture book she has both written and illustrated. And (you guessed it) one of the stops on her tour is Books, Bytes & Beyond. She will be signing Where Are My Books? at Books, Bytes & Beyond on May 7th (check out all the places and dates on her book tour here.) In anticipation of that visit, Debbie did an interview with Mary Brown, the owner of Books, Bytes & Beyond on her blog. You can read that interview (and check out Debbie’s fabulous website) here. As you can see from that interview, Books, Bytes & Beyond specializes in children’s literature, and in fitting the book to the particular child. They also host many authors for signings and readings. It’s a key stop on book tours for many authors. Take a look at the store’s events page to see some of the amazing people who have passed through their doors! Besides their website Books, Bytes & Beyond is also on Facebook and Twitter. Their cover photo on those two social media sites will show you a few other authors who have enjoyed signings at the store. You can find out how to get to them on the map on my Bookstore Maps page. Debbie is also on Facebook and Twitter. You can also check out her InkyGirl site. I’m grateful to independent bookstores for hosting events like this, and for all that they do to help connect people with the right book for them. Have you had a special experience at a book signing or in an independent bookstore? Please share in the comments. (And please support independent bookstores whenever you can!)