Beverley Brenna

A Bit About Author Beverley Brenna

If you’ve been around my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I love to post about author Beverley Brenna. She’s a Canadian author of picture books, middle grade novels, and YA novels. One of her YA novels was a Prinz honor book a few years ago. She’s versatile, writing thoughtful, insightful books as well as funny ones. Full disclosure – Bev is my cousin, but I’d love her books even if I didn’t know her at all. Bev also writes short stories, plays and poetry for all ages. She is a professor who teaches prospective teachers and researches children’s literature. She is an amazingly caring, encouraging person who has certainly given me solid encouragement throughout my own writing journey. To get to know her better, check out the “About Me” page on her website. I strongly urge you to click the little box on that page that says “Hope Houston Interviews Bev for RiverVolta.” It’s an excellent interview and will teach you about the writing process (not just Bev’s writing process, but things you can use in your own writing). As I said at the beginning of this post, she has written several books for various age groups. You can find a full listing, by age group/writing category, on her website at this link. As I looked through all the information on her website, I found this delightful list of 50 family games to play (with a couple of added crafts). They’re sure to enhance your own family nights. Here are some more links to dip into. Don’t feel you have to read them all – I promise there won’t be a test. 😉 I hope you’ll come back tomorrow, though, when I post about her most recent middle grade novel, Because of That Crow. I’ve posted about some of her books, and would encourage you to check these out (both check the posts out, and potentially check the books out of the library – or buy them, of course!) Fox Magic, middle grade novel The Bug House Family Restaurant, poetry for kids Wild Orchid and Waiting For No One, young adult novels Falling for Henry, middle grade time slip novel (note: this post was written in anticipation of the book’s publication) The Keeper of the Trees, middle grade novel I’ve interviewed Bev for this blog, as well. The first interview Wednesday Worthy Interview about Wild Orchid and Waiting for No One Interview with Bev about her Prinz Honor book, The White Bicycle Hope to see you again tomorrow!

Celebrating Three Special People

Cue the herald trumpets! Those of you who have been reading my blog for some time will know that October 1 is a special day of celebration for me. It is the birthday of three people whom I admire, who have directly or indirectly provided guidance, example, wisdom, and strength. As is my custom when October 1 falls on or near a blogging day, today I want to celebrate those three very special people. (Parts of this tribute were originally posted on October 1, 2012, but the post has been revised and expanded for today’s tribute.) This delightful little girl reading a story to her doll has grown up to be a delightful woman who still has that lovely smile, and who now not only reads books but also writes them (she’s also an oral storyteller, poet, all-round wordsmith). It is as a writer that most of you know her. Her name is Beverley Brenna, and I’m privileged to know her as a dearly loved cousin as well as one of my favorite authors. I’ve blogged about her writing often, and will include a few links at the end of this post. Today, though, I want to focus on another aspect of her life — her love of nature. In fact, it is that aspect that I will focus on as I reflect on each of the three people I’m honoring today. Bev’s parents, who also had a great influence on my life, loved to go out and ramble in the countryside, searching for wildflowers (including rare wild orchids in Waskesiu — it is one of Uncle Arthur’s wonderful wild orchid photographs that adorns the cover of Wild Orchid); canoeing across Waskesiu Lake to Grey Owl’s Cabin; and through their own enthusiasm and example, teaching their three children (and their nieces) to share their love of the natural world. This love of nature shines through in all Bev’s writing, since there is always an undercurrent of taking joy in nature and of environmental concern in her writings. Just one example from many I could have chosen is taken from the short story Finding Your Voice from Bev’s anthology of varied stories, Something to Hang On To. “Janine remembers how it felt to shout across the water and listen to her voice as it swept all the way to the sunrise and back.” Mmmmmm… that is so evocative and real. *    *    * October 1st is also the birth date of Julie Andrews, a woman whom I have long admired for her innate optimism, her resilience, her work ethic, her love of family, her imagination, as well as for her writing and her dramatic and musical talents. When she was growing up, her dad, Ted Wells, imparted to her his deep love for nature, and for noticing the amazing detail in the natural world around us. From her autobiography, Home: A Memoir of My Early Years, “Throughout our childhood, he exposed us to the wonders of nature. One of my earliest memories was his taking me outside to view a large ants’ nest, which he had discovered under a stone while gardening. … we pored over this nest for a good hour or more.” The book in which this early influence is most evident is The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, in which the children are urged to look closely, to notice every detail of what is around them, to really see beyond a surface glance. I have celebrated that way of seeing in my blog post about this book, which you may find here. Ted Wells’ nurturing led to a lifelong love of, and delight in, the natural world for Julie Andrews. In one of the introductory passages in Julie Andrews’ Collection of Poems, Songs, and Lullabies, she mentions a game she played with her own children. It sounds much like the Look and Listen Walks I often exhort people to do, and would be a great way to get children to really notice and celebrate our world. She says, “When I became a parent, I would take my children into the garden and we would play games of ‘discovery’ — what colors, even in the winter, could we spot? What sounds? What smells?” What might you discover if you went into your back garden today? *    *    * The third person in this triumvirate of October 1 birthdays is former US President Jimmy Carter, who is 94 today. I first became aware of Mr. Carter when he was running for President back in the mid 1970s. (In a happy coincidence, I learned years later that he had announced his candidacy on my birthday in 1974!) I admired him from the get-go, but came to understand and admire him much more deeply when I began reading his books in the 1990s. Most of his books, of course, are focused on politics or diplomacy, or on the Christian faith, but he has also written about his love of, and experiences in, the natural world. Many people know of his diplomatic efforts, his election monitoring around the globe, and his hands-on work with Habitat for Humanity. Fewer are likely aware that he has climbed mountains such as Kilimanjaro in Africa; as a former farmer, he is still keenly interested in agriculture; and he and his wife Rosalynn are avid birders, often building in time in their international travels to go out with an experienced local birder to search for birds to add to their life lists. Reading his book Sharing Good Times opens one’s eyes to the many facets of this vibrantly active man’s life. It is from a poem in his poetry collection Always A Reckoning that I wish to quote, however. From his poem Light Comes in Turkey Country: I know the forest on my farm best at breaking day when birdcalls seem to draw the darkness back that cages me. Can’t you just feel that cage of darkness and the joy of being released from it by …

Celebrating Three Special People Read More »

In the Spotlight — Past Interviewees

Do you enjoy watching those “where are they now” shows on TV? I do, especially when they feature people who were once the kids on TV programs I used to enjoy. It’s interesting to see how their lives have changed, and what interesting projects they might be involved in now. In previous years on this blog, I’ve done interviews of some very interesting people. I hope to get back to doing interviews at some point. I got thinking that it might be fun to do a “where are they now” post about a few of the people I’ve interviewed on By Word of Beth. You’re likely aware of what some of them are doing now, but even so, I hope you’ll find it interesting to revisit some of those old interviews, and get a bit of an update.

A book of a different order …

Make that “of a different phylum…” My cousin Beverley Brenna has a new book coming out, with an anticipated release date of November 15th. It is a departure from the subject matter and style of her recent books, which may come as a surprise to those who have read and loved the time-slip adventure Falling for Henry, or her Taylor Jane Simon trilogy, Wild Orchid, Waiting for No One, and The White Bicycle. Those links will take you to interviews I’ve done with Bev. Here is a link that will take you to Pat Tilton’s reviews of some of her books. While I’m mentioning Bev’s recent books, I have to do the proud cousin thing, and mention that not only has The White Bicycle been named a Printz Honor Book this year, but it has been shortlisted for a Governor General’s Award here in Canada! Back to the book at hand. While it’s very different from her latest books, it’s not a real surprise to those of us who have known her all her life.

Beverley Brenna — Printz Honor Book author — Interview

I was thrilled on Monday, January 28, when the American Library Association announced its annual youth media awards (such as the well-known Caldecott and Newbery) and I learned that a book written by my cousin, Beverley Brenna, The White Bicycle, had been named a Michael L. Printz Honor Book. I immediately emailed her to suggest an interview, and this interview took place that evening. I’m delighted to share it with you all today. Beverley Brenna lives on an acreage near Saskatoon with husband Dwayne and their sons. When she’s not writing, she’s teaching courses on Canadian children’s literature, and literacy teaching and learning, at the University of Saskatchewan. She welcomes invitations to speak at conferences, when her university teaching schedule allows, and a current preferred topic is How Books Can Change the World–One Reader at a Time! And now to the interview – I hope you won’t get too confused between the Beth and the Bev in this interview. Imagine what it was like when we lived in the same house! We’d hear the phone being answered, “Do you wish to speak to Beverley or Elizabeth?” because the names sound so similar.

I Love Celebrating October First!

For many years (I promise not to say how many), October first has been a special day in our family, as someone who means a great deal to us was born on that date. Over the years, the joy of the day has been added to for me by the fact that two people I admire very much, not just for what they have achieved in the public arena, but for the kind of people they are deep down, were also born on October first (in different years). Please join me as I pay tribute to these three very special people. (Bonus: in the post there are two childhood pictures of one of them…)

From the Archives — Wild Orchid & Waiting for No One

This was first posted on elizabethannewrites on April 8, 2011. I’m tying this post to Patricia’s post earlier regarding Autism Awareness Month — I hope you’ll read Pat’s thoughtful and thought-provoking post. My cousin, Bev Brenna, who writes thoughtful and thought-provoking YA books (as well as middle-grade novels, and picture books — Bev is versatile) has written two YA novels about a girl in her late teens, Taylor Jane Simon, who deals with Asperger’s Syndrome. Asperger’s is a condition on the autism scale, but is not the same as high-functioning autism.

From the archives — Reading Bev Brenna and Falling for Henry

This was originally posted on September 7, 2011. Reading Beverley Brenna (or at least, reading her books) is a use of time I can highly recommend. In fact, I do recommend that pastime, over and over again. I know that those of you whom I’ve already turned on to Bev’s books are awaiting the release of Falling for Henry with barely-disguised impatience. I have been figuratively pacing outside the birthing room of this novel for some years now. (As those of you who are writers will know, the gestation period for a book varies with each book.) Finally the due date is near. November 15, 2011 is the date that has been quoted. My pacing now has purpose. The labour is over, the birth pangs are beginning. What is this book that has made me wait so eagerly, telling people about this book long before it was ready to see the light of day, asking Bev about its progress more often than she likely would have liked, and now eagerly trumpeting its pending birth when that day is still more than two months away?

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