Erik (This Kid Reviews Books)

In the Spotlight — Past Interviewees

Do you enjoy watching those “where are they now” shows on TV? I do, especially when they feature people who were once the kids on TV programs I used to enjoy. It’s interesting to see how their lives have changed, and what interesting projects they might be involved in now. In previous years on this blog, I’ve done interviews of some very interesting people. I hope to get back to doing interviews at some point. I got thinking that it might be fun to do a “where are they now” post about a few of the people I’ve interviewed on By Word of Beth. You’re likely aware of what some of them are doing now, but even so, I hope you’ll find it interesting to revisit some of those old interviews, and get a bit of an update.


Tomorrow, December 24th, is a very special day in the kidlit world, but we’re celebrating today, because early celebrations extend the joy. In our writing and reading community, there is a person who reads voraciously, writes book reviews by the score (both for his blog and for his local newspaper), has recently published his first book, is an eager participant in blog activities such as Susanna Leonard Hill’s short story contests, and is an encouragement, inspiration, and cheering section for us all. His name is Erik and he’s the Kid behind the blog This Kid Reviews Books. I first got to know Erik through Tara Lazar’s PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) in 2011, as well as Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday, in which Erik is a regular participant, and through the first year of Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 — as well as through his terrific blog. I am grateful to be able to call this young man my friend. Tomorrow is his 12th birthday. How about that? Turning 12 in the 12th month, on a day which is a multiple of 12! That’s something to celebrate. ERIK is someone to celebrate. And we’re doing that today. Welcome to the kidlit community’s BIRTHDAY PARTY for ERIK! SURPRISE, ERIK! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

The Adventures of Tomato & Pea — Blog Tour Review and GIVEAWAY!

It is so exciting when a writing colleague is published for the first time. It is even more exciting when that colleague is eleven years old! I first became aware of Erik, the Kid Who Reviews Books, when we both participated in Picture Book Ideas Month in 2011 (that link leads to a guest post Erik did for PiBoIdMo), then joined Julie Hedlund’s fledgling group 12×12 in January 2012. Eric was nine back then, blogging book reviews, and working on his writing even then. I interviewed Erik and his sister on my blog, and was impressed with the ways they each express their creativity. Now Erik is launching his first chapter book, The Adventures of Tomato and Pea, Book One: A Bad Idea, and I am delighted to be a part of the blog tour. I think it says a great deal about Erik that when he put out a call for people to participate in his blog tour, he got so many responses that the tour is stretched over two weeks, some days with more than one post! I’m also delighted to be able to give away one paperback copy of book one of The Adventures of Tomato and Pea to a lucky commenter. Anyone who comments on this post between now and noon eastern time on Thursday, September 19th, will be entered into a draw. I’ll announce the winner on Friday, September 20th. Now, on to my review!

Blog Tour Announcement for The Kid Who Reviews Books!

The blog tour for The Adventures of Tomato and Pea, Book One: A Bad Idea, written by none other than Erik, the Kid Who Reviews Books, kicked off yesterday with a cover reveal on Erik’s blog, and continues daily (and sometimes twice daily) all around the blogosphere from today, September 9th until September 20th. There will be reviews, interviews, a Q&A (with commenters on Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog providing the questions), guest posts by Erik, and two giveaways (including one here on my blog). It promises to be a great two weeks! To get the roadmap for this extensive tour, check in at Erik’s blog, This Kid Reviews Books! See you on the tour! (Be sure to stop back here on Friday for a chance to win a paperback copy of Erik’s book!)

Happy Birthday, Erik!

  NOTE: If you have arrived in the middle of the adventure, you may start at the beginning by going HERE   Ask the court jester. Erik raced down the palace corridors, searching for the jester. Waves of laughter led him to the Castle Courtyard. “Jester!” Erik yelled. “I need your help!” With five cartwheels, the jester crossed the courtyard to stand in front of Erik, his head tilted to one side, the bells on his cap jingling. “My birthday box was empty! There was just a note saying you knew where to find it.” Erik paused to catch his breath. The jester did a back flip and wagged his head from side to side. He said, “Maybe I do and maybe I don’t. Maybe I know and maybe I known’t. What I do know for certain, and nothing is for certain, is that you have a flower growing out of your head.” With that, the jester plucked a flower from behind Erik’s ear, then ran around chortling while the rest of the people in the courtyard laughed and clapped Erik put his hands on his hips. It was complicated and frustrating to deal with a jester. “No tricks! I need help!” In answer, the jester did a handstand, and said, while circling Erik slowly, “Into the forest you must go, Careful of head and heel and toe, Axes to grind, and trees to cut, You’ll find an answer in his hut…” Erik scratched his head thoughtfully. Who has axes to grind and trees to cut, and lives in a hut in the forest? “The woodcutter! Thank you, jester!” The jester gave a high-pitched giggle. “Maybe it’s right, and maybe it’s wrong. Maybe I just wanted to make up a song…” If Erik trusts the jester, go HERE If Erik doesn’t believe the jester, go HERE

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