proofreading service

Ready… Set… Copy Edit!

I’m very happy to be posting this today! You may or may not know that I had a slight delay in getting my Flubs 2 Fixes Copy Editing and Proofreading service off the ground. That delay is over, and I am now able to offer my services as noted in the Services for Writers — Flubs 2 Fixes tab in the menu above. I apologize for the delay, and I thank you for your patience. I’m eager to get to work now, and hope that if you need copy editing or proofreading, or if you hear of someone who does, you’ll think of me. Note: Because of the delay, the introductory discount of 20% off the cost of all services has been extended to February 28th, 2014! Beyond the magic “read more” words, I express gratitude, and give you a heads-up…

Introducing “Flubs 2 Fixes”

I am pleased to announce that as of today, Tuesday, October 1, 2013, I am launching my freelance copy-editing and proofreading service for writers! Yes, this is the news I hinted at yesterday. As I say in my introduction page (in the drop-down menu above), have you ever hit send on a document, or put a manuscript in the mail, only afterwards seeing a glaring (or not so glaring) error? Your heart sank, and you thought, “I really flubbed that one.” The problem is that we get so used to our own writing that we see the word as we expect it to be, rather than seeing the typo or the misused noun or verb. Then there is grammar, with all its twists, turns, and exceptions. It’s hard to catch all those things in your own manuscript. You need a fresh pair of eyes to look impartially at your document.

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