Ready… Set… Copy Edit!

f2ftake4_edited-2I’m very happy to be posting this today!

You may or may not know that I had a slight delay in getting my Flubs 2 Fixes Copy Editing and Proofreading service off the ground. That delay is over, and I am now able to offer my services as noted in the Services for Writers — Flubs 2 Fixes tab in the menu above.

I apologize for the delay, and I thank you for your patience. I’m eager to get to work now, and hope that if you need copy editing or proofreading, or if you hear of someone who does, you’ll think of me.

Note: Because of the delay, the introductory discount of 20% off the cost of all services has been extended to February 28th, 2014!

Beyond the magic “read more” words, I express gratitude, and give you a heads-up…

As I mentioned in my initial post about Flubs 2 Fixes, Emma Walton Hamilton gave me a wonderful testimonial for my service. She has now written a blog post endorsing Flubs 2 Fixes — “How Clean is Your Manuscript?” I am deeply grateful for this, and for all the encouragement she provides. Thank you, Emma!

I’d also like to thank my friend Jan Streiff, who has been immensely helpful when I needed to bounce ideas around, who has provided constant encouragement, and who thought up the name Flubs 2 Fixes. Thank you, Jan!

Now, a heads-up — beginning in December, and running the third Monday of every month thereafter, I will be having a Q&A style blog series, dealing with questions about grammar and word use. If  you have grammatical quandaries or word use muddles, I’d be happy to try to solve them for you. Questions will be treated anonymously, and I’ll focus on one question per month. Please send your question to mail (at) flubs2fixes (dot) com — you know what to do with the (at) and the (dot). I hope to hear from you. Watch for A Word With Beth the third Monday of every month!

Also, come back here on Friday for a Perfect Picture Book choice that celebrates punctuation!

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21 thoughts on “Ready… Set… Copy Edit!”

    1. Thanks, Pat — and thanks for the tweets and retweets!

      As for the name, Jan and I brainstormed a LOT of possibilities before she came up with Flubs 2 Fixes. I’m glad she did!

    1. Thanks, Erik. Basically, copy editing is checking a manuscript (called the “copy”) for spelling and grammatical mistakes, incorrect word choice, that sort of thing. It doesn’t suggest any changes to the plot, theme, dialogue or anything, just the basic building blocks of the manuscript, so to speak.

  1. Congratulations Beth! I know for certain I’ll be using your services soon. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you spread the word (beyond the obvious). 🙂

  2. Well, Hooray for you!!! I’m not very good at grammar. It doesn’t mean much to me, but from what I hear, there seem to be a lot of folks out there who need some help. I like that name you chose. Good luck with your new venture!!

  3. Yeah. Okay. Better late than never 🙂 Congratulations on getting your business off the ground and on Emma’s lovely post. I will try to help spread the word. And I’m sure I have some very pressing grammar questions if I think about it for a minute or two… 🙂 Good luck with your venture! I know it will be a smashing success! 🙂

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