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June 2024 Newsletter Teaser

Photo by Mathias Reding via Pexels.com My newsletter will be going out to subscribers on Thursday, June 27 (in the wee hours of the morning). This one will be short and (hopefully) sweet, as we get ready for summer vacation time! (I’ll be taking July and August off from sending out newsletters.) The June edition will include such things as  Writing: Yes, we can still have fun while writing! Editing: Having fun while editing! No Flubs2Fixes Game again this issue (Ebony Kitten’s still napping. 😸) Reading: Special guest post by Kathy Halsey with two book reviews for you. Free I Y: Christine Alemshah’s “Grow Your Writing” Challenge Resources: Dave Crenshaw (time management expert) on having an Oasis in your life Just for fun: School’s Out! (featuring a very different band, but no kittens or puppies involved) If you want to make sure you get the newsletter hot off the virtual presses, click here for subscription details. I’d love to have you join us!

May 2024 Newsletter Teaser

Photo by Mathias Reding via Pexels.com My newsletter will be going out to subscribers on Thursday, May 30 (in the wee hours of the morning). It will include such things as  Writing: What do I do with all my webinar notes? (and a request)  NEW FEATURE ~ Editor’s Clinic (and a request!) No Flubs2Fixes Game this issue (Ebony Kitten was napping and I hated to wake her. 😸) Reading: Time to think about summer reading! NEW FEATURE ~ Free I Y: How do I invest in my writing when I have no $$ to invest? Resources: Lyrical Language Lab Just for fun: Hint: tiny woof. If you want to make sure you get the newsletter hot off the virtual presses, click here for subscription details. I’d love to have you join us!

April 2024 Newsletter Teaser

Photo by Mathias Reding via Pexels.com My newsletter will be going out to subscribers on Thursday, March 25 (in the wee hours of the morning). It will include such things as  Writing: heading into character analysis/revision with virtual highlighters at the ready Editing: the value of critique partners Resources: how to find those critique partners Blog: a look forward to May and a look back in the Blog archives Just for fun: a cool new kidlit-based museum! If you want to make sure you get the newsletter hot off the virtual presses, click here for subscription details. I’d love to have you join us!

Changes are Happening at By Word of Beth!

And as the photo indicates, change gives new opportunities. For several years, I have had three websites. I am now consolidating them all into one — this one. My editing services now reside here, my thoughts about writing (mine and that of others) will reside here, and all my blog posts will be made here. I hope this will simplify things for my readers and website visitors. I *know* it will simplify things for me! Heads-up to subscribers: I will soon be changing the way people follow my blog, as well. Instead of the current subscription, where a blog post is automatically sent out to you when one is posted, I will be doing a newsletter — monthly is my intention — that will include links to any blog posts I’ve posted in that month, editing and writing insights, and more. I hope this will provide more value to my readers. Because subscription best practices have changed since I set up my last subscription, I will be asking you to sign up for this newsletter, even if you have been a subscriber in the past. This will allow for double opt-in, where you will confirm your subscription, and I be more able to ensure that I comply with all the current and coming rules about subscribers. I appreciate your patience with getting this new format underway. At the moment, I have only the basics of my editing service added to the site, but I’m definitely available for editing. Click on My Editing Service in the menu bar to see how we can work together. More will be added as time goes on. Here’s to new opportunities, growth, and moving forward!

Coming on October 28th (a heads-up, teaser post)

You aren’t seeing things! I’ve brought my blog out of storage because I want to make sure you come back two weeks from today, on Perfect Picture Book Friday, October 28, for A Boisterous, Comical, Delightful, Engaging, Fun-filled, Glorious, Hilarious, Inspirational, Jazzy, Kooky, Lighthearted and slightly Lagomorphic, Magical, Nocturnal (in a way), Out-of-the-ordinary, Playful, Quirkily Queenly, Rambunctious, Sleep-encouraging though not sleep-inducing, Tumultuous, Unputdownable, Vibrant, Wittily Winsome, Xylophonic (Truly! There’s a xylophone!) Zestful Perfect Picture Book Friday review and interview with an unexpected twist. See you then!

I’m on the GROG blog today!

I’m very pleased to be featured on the GROG blog today, as my friend and writing accountability partner Kathy Halsey interviews me about editing in general, and my editing services in particular. The GROG blog is a group blog with a mission to provide guidance and support, resources for the craft of writing, opportunities to grow our skills, and great folks who care about readers and writers of all ages. Come on over and read the interview!

HEADS UP! Guidelines for Susanna’s Halloweensie Contest are up!

In my post about Susanna Leonard Hill last week, I suggested you stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s Halloweensie writing contest. And today her post went live to announce the 11th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest. Woohoo (and a cackle and a OOoooOOooOOOooo, too.) You can read the full post at the link below. I just wanted to make sure you knew about it, because I can assure you, it is a lot of fun whether you choose to participate or to read without actually writing a story yourself. This year, the guidelines ask that all contestants post their stories in the comments on the official contest post between October 29 and October 31 (and not a minute before!) I’ll still be posting on my blog as well, just for fun, so watch for my post on Friday that week, instead of Thursday. Now, skitter on over to Susanna’s blog and find out how you can enter the ELEVENTH ANNUAL HALLOWEENSIE WRITING CONTEST!

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