Changes are Happening at By Word of Beth!

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from

And as the photo indicates, change gives new opportunities.

For several years, I have had three websites. I am now consolidating them all into one — this one. My editing services now reside here, my thoughts about writing (mine and that of others) will reside here, and all my blog posts will be made here. I hope this will simplify things for my readers and website visitors. I *know* it will simplify things for me!

Heads-up to subscribers: I will soon be changing the way people follow my blog, as well. Instead of the current subscription, where a blog post is automatically sent out to you when one is posted, I will be doing a newsletter — monthly is my intention — that will include links to any blog posts I’ve posted in that month, editing and writing insights, and more. I hope this will provide more value to my readers. Because subscription best practices have changed since I set up my last subscription, I will be asking you to sign up for this newsletter, even if you have been a subscriber in the past. This will allow for double opt-in, where you will confirm your subscription, and I be more able to ensure that I comply with all the current and coming rules about subscribers. I appreciate your patience with getting this new format underway.

At the moment, I have only the basics of my editing service added to the site, but I’m definitely available for editing. Click on My Editing Service in the menu bar to see how we can work together.

More will be added as time goes on.

Here’s to new opportunities, growth, and moving forward!

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5 thoughts on “Changes are Happening at By Word of Beth!”

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I just have to get a couple more ducks in a row before I roll out the newsletter (similar, but not identical to rolling out the barrel). p.s. I have no idea why I had to moderate your comment! Sometimes things work in strange ways. Happy Christmas to you, too, my friend! x

    2. ‘nuther p.s. I also had to moderate my OWN comment! (I let us both in.) I will figure this out somehow… the settings look okay, but who knows…

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