
Raising Bookworms — And A Giveaway!

This is the first post in what will become a regular monthly feature on my blog, “In The Spotlight.” During the last full week of each month, I will devote all three regular posts to spotlighting the work of one particular author or organization, or will focus on one particular topic. This inaugural “In The Spotlight” week features a double focus (plus a bonus!) One day last spring while I waited to board a plane in Minneapolis, I sat reading Emma Walton Hamilton’s book Raising Bookworms: How to Get Your Kids Reading for Pleasure and Empowerment. A man sitting near me got my attention by asking, “Are you a teacher?” (No, although I certainly considered teaching as an option.) He then said, “I wish I’d had that book when my son was growing up.” He told me that when his son was very small, he loved books. He loved being read to, he loved reading – until he got to school, where somehow he got the message that real boys don’t like reading. The man in the airport told me, with more than a tinge of regret in his voice, that his son was only now starting to read for enjoyment again. His son is 30. I, too, wish that Raising Bookworms had been available to that man to counteract the wrong thinking that so influenced his son.

Waiting for No One — the WINNER!

And the winner of the giveaway for one copy of Waiting for No One by Beverley Brenna is… (drumroll please)… Lucky Number 13, Julie Hedlund! Congratulations, Julie! Please contact me through the contact form on this blog with your mailing address, and I’ll send the book out to you as soon as possible. For those who aren’t acquainted with Julie, she is the person behind the 12 x 12 in 2012 challenge, which is encouraging 300+ people (at last count) to produce one picture book manuscript draft a month for every month in 2012. There’s still time to sign up, if you’re interested! For more info, click here. (By the way, Beverley is in Florida today, being presented with the Dolly Gray Award for Waiting for No One. An article about the award came up in my google alerts today. Congratulations, Bev!)

Seize the Opportunity!

Something writer, actor, arts advocate, literacy advocate Julie Andrews stresses, no matter who she’s talking to — aspiring writers, young people wanting to become involved in the arts, whoever — is that one must do one’s homework, be fully prepared, and be ready to recognize and seize opportunities when they come along. I find it easy to look back and see opportunities missed, but I also find it amazing that when I start acting on the opportunities, having done the work to prepare myself, that other opportunities seem to fall into my lap. I seem to have come to a point in my life, in my writing life, when it’s full speed ahead. And that’s what is behind today’s book-title musing.

Shout-out for “New Beginnings” (a blog)

Occasionally for my Wednesday Worthies post, I will be doing shout-outs for blogs that I’d like to call attention to for one reason or another. I want to say right up front that no one should feel slighted if I don’t mention your blog – there are so many wonderful blogs, and I’ve come to know so many great people through blogging, that I can’t possibly highlight all of them. Please know that I do appreciate all of you! That said, I’d like to introduce you to a blog that hasn’t been around long, but is already one I look forward to reading daily. And there’s an extra reason why you might want to check it out in the near future…

What’s Your Genre-Identity?

Some writers are immediately and exclusively identifiable with one genre. You can’t imagine that author writing anything else. Agatha Christie writing a picture book? Mo Willems writing suspense? For those of us, like me, who are just starting out in our writing careers, our genre-identity is perhaps more fluid, not yet obvious. Or perhaps, like me, there is a desire to write in more than one genre.

Waiting for No One wins 2012 Dolly Gray Award!

  I am delighted to announce that my cousin Beverley Brenna‘s YA novel about a girl with Asperger’s Syndrome, Waiting for No One, has won the Dolly Gray Children’s Literature award for 2012 along with one other intermediate/YA novel and two picture books. To learn more about Bev’s book, to learn about the award itself, and to find out how you can enter a giveaway for a copy of this book, click on “read more” below…

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