Waiting for No One wins 2012 Dolly Gray Award!


I am delighted to announce that my cousin Beverley Brenna‘s YA novel about a girl with Asperger’s Syndrome, Waiting for No One, has won the Dolly Gray Children’s Literature award for 2012 along with one other intermediate/YA novel and two picture books. To learn more about Bev’s book, to learn about the award itself, and to find out how you can enter a giveaway for a copy of this book, click on “read more” below…


First, a little about the book:

Waiting for No One is the second in a planned trilogy about Taylor Jane Simon, who is eighteen and three-quarters as the book opens. She deals with Asperger’s Syndrome, which Bev, as a former special education teacher and consultant, writes about intelligently and fluently. Above all, Taylor is a very real, human teenager, who sees life through a different window of perspective, but who still experiences all the thoughts, emotions and questions of any other teen. To read a review of Waiting for No One, as well as the book that precedes it in the trilogy, Wild Orchid, I invite you to go to the blog of my writing colleague, Patricia Tilton, Children’s Books Heal. To read an interview with Bev herself, click this link to my previous blog.

And now, about the award! First, a quote from the press release (pdf):

December 20, 2011 – The Dolly Gray Children’s Literature Award will be presented on January 19, 2012 at the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities (DADD) international conference in Miami Beach, Florida. The intermediate/young adult award will be presented to Kathryn Erskine, author of Mocking Bird and Beverley Brenna, author of Waiting for No One. In the picture book category, the awards go to Rebecca Elliott, author/illustrator of Just Because, and Holly Robinson Peete and Ryan Elizabeth Peete (authors) and Shane W. Evans (illustrator) for My Brother Charlie.

The Dolly Gray Award recognizes high quality fiction/biographical books for children, adolescents, and young adults that authentically portray individuals with developmental disabilities. 

Read more about the Award, and the Foundation that presents it, at the website of the Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

And, the giveaway! I have one copy of Waiting for No One to give away. Note that because of some of the language used in the book, I am opening the giveaway only to blog-readers over the age of 14. (Sorry, Erik!) Anyone over the age of 14 who comments on this post, or on my regular Monday Musings post on January 9, 2011 or January 16, 2011 will be entered in a draw (through random.org to ensure impartiality). Each comment you make on any of those three posts will be considered one entry. The winner will be announced the day Bev accepts her award, Thursday, January 19, 2011. I will post the winner at noon Eastern time, that day.

 Finally, a loud, hearty CONGRATULATIONS, BEV! I’m so proud of you.

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36 thoughts on “Waiting for No One wins 2012 Dolly Gray Award!”

  1. Wonderful Beth! You have writing in your genes. I am so happy to hear about your cousin being recognized for her novel. It seems as though your cousin is coming from a standpoint from which she can offer some real insight into the the lives of those with exceptionalities. It makes me think of an anthology of poetry I have been keeping my eyes open for, Beauty is a Verb. Have you heard of it? I think diversity in literature often is thought of only in terms of skin color or language, but really it encompasses so much more, such as the world of those with disabilities. Thanks so much for brining attention to her award and novel. Can’t wait to check it out!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. Your comment about diversity in literature is so true, and so important.

      I haven’t heard of Beauty is a Verb, but will watch for it. Thanks!

  2. Awww, Beth, I’m so happy for your cousin! And I like the book cover. Isn’t it nice with good things happen to nice people? The fact that your cousin won that award I’m sure will give a lot of your readers hope that one day they, too, may become an award winning author. I know that I have that wish for myself as well. Congrats again!

    1. Thanks, Donna! I’m so proud of Bev, and the recognition is well deserved. I’ll pass along everyone’s congratulations to her.

  3. Pingback: Book Giveaway on My New Blog! | elizabethannewrites

  4. Congratulations to your cousin! My son has autism and I am often frustrated by the lack of intelligent writing around this subject. I will be learning more about this book!

  5. Fantastic!. Bev’s book is exceptional and very deserving of this honor. Funny, I was recommending both books (Wild Orchid and Waiting for No One) to someone recently and discovered that my own library doesn’t carry the books. So, I had them order the books. Her books are written as stand alone novels, but I see them as the first ever trilogy written about about an 18-year-old girl in the autism spectrum making the transition into adulthood. No one else has done that! I believe the books are very important for parents and the half a million kids who will be finding their way in society in coming years. I can’t wait for the final book, White Bicycle, to be released. I have loved Taylor’s journey.

    Please tell Bev how happy I am for her! And, thank you for the reference to my review. Every book being recognized, I’ve reviewed. Just Because and My Brother Charlie are great PB.

    1. Thanks so much Pat for your enthusiastic support of Bev’s books.

      I thought I’d read about all those books on your blog. Shows that you know good books when you see them! (Not that I ever doubted that. You find some amazing books to review.)

      I’m with you in your impatience for White Bicycle’s release!

      I’ll pass along your comment to Bev. Thank you!

  6. Congratulations to your cousin Bev on the award.. I am discovering more wonderful books to read since I started blogging and finding other book bloggers and their suggestions and this trilogy sounds wonderful. I will surely read Wild Orchid and Waiting for No one as soon as I can!

  7. Congratulations to your cousin Bev! This looks like an excellent book. I will put it on my list to read.

    Congratulations on the new blog Beth! It looks great. I love the color. It is very easy on the eyes. I will add it to my RSS feed so that I don’t miss a post.

    1. Thank you so much, Loni. I hope you enjoy Bev’s book — look for the one that precedes it in the trilogy, Wild Orchid, as well. And thanks for the comment on the new blog. Thank you for adding it to your feed!

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    1. Thank you, and it is! I will be doing two things — compiling all the messages of congratulations and sending them to Bev, and encouraging her to come back and read through the comments here as well.

  9. Congrats to your cousin, Beth – what wonderful recognition for her book! I’d love to win a copy. This is a condition I’ve heard bits and snatches about, and I’d be interested in learning more. It’s a lot more fun reading a novel than a medical textbook, and to know that Beverley has created an authentic portrayal is endorsement enough for me!

    1. Thanks, Susan. Both Bev’s books about this character are a sensitive and understanding portrayal of someone dealing with the syndrome, and I know you’d learn a great deal from the book. Your name is in the “hat”!

  10. congratulations to your cousin! The award is definitely well-deserved. I’ve read the first book, ‘Wild Orchid’, and the second is waiting on my shelf to be read this month. So please don’t count me in the giveaway. 🙂 I’m excited to learn that it is a trilogy.

    1. Thanks, LittleMiao! I hope you enjoy Waiting for No One! I can hardly wait until the next one is out. It’s due… let me check Bev’s site… oh fiddle, it doesn’t give a due date yet, just says “pending publication.” So I guess we’ll have to wait a while.

      1. I finally read Waiting for No One and it was wonderful. It really speaks to people who are stuck and trying to find their way (like me, lol). Now I have to read my way through Beverley Brenna’s other books so I don’t get impatient for the next sequel.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! Bev’s book really makes a person see what it would be like to live with the different perspective of Asperger’s.

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