Shout-out for “New Beginnings” (a blog)

Occasionally for my Wednesday Worthies post, I will be doing shout-outs for blogs that I’d like to call attention to for one reason or another. I want to say right up front that no one should feel slighted if I don’t mention your blog – there are so many wonderful blogs, and I’ve come to know so many great people through blogging, that I can’t possibly highlight all of them. Please know that I do appreciate all of you!

That said, I’d like to introduce you to a blog that hasn’t been around long, but is already one I look forward to reading daily. And there’s an extra reason why you might want to check it out in the near future…

I have a new online friend and writing colleague named Donna Martin who writes a wonderful daily encouragement-for-writers blog called New Beginnings. Since she’s an aspiring writer, she knows what we aspiring writers go through, and she knows that what gives her strength to keep writing will likely do the same for others.

One thing aspiring writers do is read a lot of books about the art of writing. Donna is no different – she has read a ton of them. And she’s being very generous and is having a giveaway of some excellent-sounding writing books!

I’ll give you the link about the giveaway in a minute. First I want to say that I hope that you’ll take the time while you’re over at Donna’s blog to read some of her other posts. I can guarantee almost certainly that you will be inspired by something you read there. (And be sure to feed the fish – just click your mouse several times in the white area around them, and watch them go for that food!)

Here’s the link, and also a link to the post that shows you the covers of all those wonderful books.

Donna’s Giveaway

The Prizes

Go! Read! Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “Shout-out for “New Beginnings” (a blog)”

  1. Awww, Beth, thank you for finding me “Wednesday Worthy”! You are a true online friend…and here’s to a fabulous 2012!!!

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