Liebster Blog Award

The Liebster-fest continues…

No, not Lobster-Fest! We don’t grow lobsters here on the landlocked Prairies. We certainly seem to attract a lot of love, though. Mona Pease, whose blog is Mona Meanders, has just awarded me with a Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much, Mona! I am very grateful for all the blog awards that have come my way recently, but after this one, I’d like to suggest that the awards be spread around to others. Besides, I’m running out of random things to post about! 😉 Anyway, on to the explanation of the Liebster: “Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to these wonderful blogs!” The rules of the Liebster are to thank the person who gave me the award and link back to that person’s blog, to tell you five random things about myself, and to pass the award on to five other worthy bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers.

Blog Love Times FOUR! Another Liebster, more great blogs.

This is like being in a warm rainshower of joy these days, with all the awards that have been coming my way. My gratitude goes to Kirsten W. Larson at Creating Curious Kids for presenting me with the Liebster Blog Award. Thanks so much, Kirsten. When you click on “read more” you’ll learn five things about me that you’d likely never even thought to wonder about, and you’ll have a chance to meet five worthy bloggers as I pass the award along.

Liebster Blog Award — Spreading the Love

In the past couple of days, I’ve received the Liebster Blog award not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES! I’m really feeling the love! My gratitude goes to Bethany Telles at Perched in a Tree, Rena J. Traxel, at Rena J. Traxel: Writer. Poet. Humorist, and Debbie LaCroix at Little Debbie Writes. To read more about the Liebster Blog Award, click on the magic words:

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