Author name: Beth

It’s Time for a Storm: a STORYstorm!

Every January, Tara Lazar hosts an amazing challenge/event called StoryStorm, in which participants are challenged to come up with 30 story ideas in the 31 days of the month. These ideas can be for picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels — whatever you write. They can be detailed, with ideas for characters, plot, and setting, or as simple as “bunny needs new earwarmers,” or a character’s name: “Bunny’s name is Barkins, Jr.” Each day there is a post on Tara’s blog, from a guest poster who is an author, illustrator, editor, agent — someone in the kidlit world who has wisdom and encouragement to share. Often there are prizes connected with these posts (drawn for at the end of the challenge.) There is also the potential of winning one of the grand prizes, if you amass at least 30 ideas (all on the honor system — no ideas are to be shared) and your name is drawn from the StoryStorm winners. The best prize of all, though, is to have these bright, shiny, new ideas to work on in the coming year. Who knows — maybe one of them will become a child’s favorite book! It all starts tomorrow, but registration is open until January 7th. If you want more information, or if you want to register, click on this link. It will take you to Tara’s StoryStorm Registration post. Hope to see you there!

Heads up! The 12 Days of Christmas for Writers is on its way!

In last week’s post, I said I’d let you know when the sign-up for Julie Hedlund’s 12 Days of Christmas for Writers (and Illustrators) went live. It’s here! It’s here! 12 Days will begin on Sunday, December 26. Each day, an email will come with the link to the video and activity for that day. There’s a Facebook Group where we all share and discuss and interact and support and have fun. Note: you don’t have to celebrate Christmas in order to participate. 12 Days is a fun handle to hang the process on, but doesn’t hinge on Christmas celebration. In Julie’s words about 12 Days, “It’s a wonderful way to assess the last year and to start the new year with illumination, optimism, and inspiration. And, who couldn’t use a little more of those things? You’ll receive daily, bite-size surprises such as: Exercises to evaluate and integrate your previous writing year so you are ready for the new one. Tools to illuminate successes in order to go even further in your writing. How to write through tough times. How to keep the fun and whimsy in your life and in your writing. Resources, Inspiration, Tips, and More!” Here’s the link to sign up. Note that if you’ve signed up in a previous year, you don’t have to sign up again. Looking forward to “seeing” you there!

Julie Hedlund is FOR WRITERS!

I am so grateful for Julie Hedlund – for who she is as a person, as well as for all she does for writers. She is funny, knowledgeable, supportive, wise. And she knows what writers need to help them SHINE! I first got to know Julie through Tara Lazar’s PiBoIdMo 2011 (more about Tara next week). At the end of PiBoIdMo that year, Julie asked if anyone would like to join her in an accountability-type challenge in which we’d try to write 12 first drafts of picture books over the course of the coming year. She called it 12×12 in 2012 – 12 drafts in 12 months in 2012. As she says in this blog interview I did with her as the challenge progressed, “I initially envisioned the challenge as a personal one that I would do on my own. Then, toward the end of PiBoIdMo last year, I decided it would be nice to have company. I expected maybe 30-50 of my most faithful blog followers who were also picture book writers to join me. I NEVER could have imagined we’d end up 400 strong!” That was then. Now there are 1000+ participants each year from all over the world, and 12×12 has become firmly lodged in the KidLit world as an excellent way to learn, to practice craft, to form community – even to have submission opportunities (at the Gold Level.) There is a cost involved, but it is well worth every penny. But don’t take my word for it. Check out all the glowing testimonials on the 12×12 website (and while you’re there, learn more about the challenge.) I was a member of 12×12 for the first three years, then, because my focus had changed to middle grade novels, I reluctantly gave up my membership. Still, I recommend it HIGHLY to anyone who writes picture books or is thinking of writing picture books. You will learn so much, in an incredibly supportive community. Julie is also one of the founding members of the Picture Book Summit, an online one-day conference for picture book creators, which was online before online conferences were cool. Julie and the other founders, Emma Walton Hamilton, Katie Davis, and Laura Backes Bard, along with Jon Bard (founder and emcee) and Kelli Panique (fixer of all things) bring the picture book world an amazing learning experience each October (the first Saturday of October), with keynotes from preeminent people in the picture book world, workshops from founders and others, often an agents and editors panel – and submission opportunities. It is not to be missed. Julie and Emma are the driving forces behind the Complete Picture Book Submission System, which has helped many writers hone their submissions so that agents take notice. Somehow, Julie finds time to write, and recently her delightfully funny picture book, OVER, BEAR! UNDER, WHERE? was released. (I attended the online launch party, and the book is great fun.) It’s illustrated by Michael Slack, and is chock-full of puns and wordplay (a couple of my favorite things.) In 2023, Little Bee Books will release Julie’s picture book biography of the wonderful Julie Andrews, illustrated by Ilaria Urbinati, and I can hardly wait! And at this time of year… (drum roll worthy of the little drummer boy…) for the past several years, Julie has hosted the TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS FOR WRITERS, an opportunity to look back at the past year, celebrate successes, own the non-successes, and build on these learnings for the new year. It is something I look forward to all year, often thinking “I can add that to my successes” or “what is the learning from this oops?” She hasn’t announced it yet for this year, but when she does, I will do a Heads Up post here on this blog. You can learn more about Julie at her website, there’s more about 12×12 at the 12×12 website, and you’ll find info about Picture Book Summit at the PBSummit website. You can find my two interviews with Julie here: first interview, and second interview. Thanks, Julie! I appreciate so much all you do FOR WRITERS!

Birdie’s Song — my entry in Susanna Hill’s Holiday Writing Contest

This isn’t my usual day to post, as you know, but I wanted to share my entry in Susanna Leonard Hill’s 11th Annual Holiday Writing Contest AND also post about a book on Thursday, so you’re getting a double whammy this week. The basic rules for this iteration of Susanna’s Holiday Contest is to write a story intended for kids 12 or under, about a holiday contest, in 250 words or fewer (not counting the title). After the 100 words of the Halloweensie Contest, 250 words feels (almost) like an epic! Here, then, is my story, in 242 words. It is officially entered in the comments on the post on Susanna’s blog, where you can read all the entries. There will be fabulous stories galore, and there are amazing prizes available. Birdie’s Song This year, Birdie was determined to win the Christmas Singing Contest. Every year since she’d been five, Annabelle had won. Not this year. Birdie had practiced until she knew her song forwards, backwards and sideways. She could even sing it in her sleep. She had to win! Annabelle stood on stage. Her notes soared. Couldn’t she squeak just once? Birdie thought. Ms. Ringly said, “Now Birdie will sing for us.” Birdie opened her mouth to sing. “Bingle jells, bingle jells, Fill the sleigh with hay!” What was going on? “Help old Santa with his sack And send him on his way-ay!” Wrong words! People were laughing! “Reindeer fly through the sky – He will soon be here! Eat some cookies, leave some toys, And come again next year!” Birdie wanted to race off the stage and out the door. She ran back to her seat and hid her face in Mom’s coat sleeve. Would people ever stop laughing? Ms. Ringly stood on the stage, towering over everyone. “Attention, please. The winner of this year’s Christmas Singing Contest is, of course, Annabelle! Her singing was dazzling, as always.” Birdie slumped even further. Annabelle won. Of course. Ms. Ringly looked down at the audience. “This year, though, we have a special extra prize. For most original song, Birdie!” Birdie couldn’t believe it. She practically flew onto the stage to get her prize. As they drove home, Birdie started thinking up words for next year’s song.

Two Books to Help Develop an Attitude of Gratitude!

This was first posted on my Starborn Revue blog in 2016. I wanted to share these two books with you here. It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States, a day in which to remember what you’re grateful for in your life. These two books help us think about gratitude in a fun but meaningful way. Title: The Very Fairy Princess: Attitude of Gratitude Authors: Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton Illustrator: Christine Davenier Publisher: New York, Boston: Little Brown & Co, 2016 Genre: Picture book fiction Audience Age: 4 and up Themes/Topics: Giving thanks, gratitude, coping with setbacks Opening Sentences: Hooray! It’s Gratitude Day! At school, we’ll be practicing an Attitude of Gratitude by showing kindness and appreciation all day long! Well…NO ONE has a fuller heart or is more appreciative than a fairy princess. That’s me! Gerry, the VERY fairy princess. Synopsis: Gerry is looking forward to Gratitude Day at school, and plans to be the most grateful, appreciative, kind and caring kid (oops, fairy princess) that anyone could hope for. But things start to go wrong as soon as she gets on the school bus. Her best friend is sick, and won’t be at school. She has to work to maintain her Gratitude Attitude when she has to sit beside Connor on the bus instead. Things just keep getting worse and worse. It gets harder and harder to have an attitude even CLOSE to gratitude, until it’s practically impossible. However, fairy princesses never give up. Gerry has to find a way to get that Gratitude back. How she does it demonstrates resilience, imagination, and of course a LOT of SPARKLE. (Fairy princesses excel at SPARKLING in the face of adversity.) I’m sure you’ll find this book delightful – and if you read it to a younger sibling or cousin, they’re sure to feel an attitude of gratitude toward you! And just for fun, here’s a link to an interview with the authors! Click here. ~ ~ ~ Title: Grateful: A Song of Giving Thanks Author: John Bucchino Illustrator: Anna-Liisa Hakkarainen Publisher: New York: HarperCollins, 2003 Genre: Picture book, song lyrics Audience Age: Any age at all! Theme/Topic: Gratitude Opening Sentences: I’ve got a roof over my head. I’ve got a warm place to sleep. Some nights I lie awake counting gifts instead of counting sheep. Synopsis: Through his gentle lyrics, John Bucchino celebrates the gift of gratitude, remembering all the things there are to be grateful for, including having “a heart that can love” and “a mind that can think.” He also acknowledges that there are times when gratitude is difficult, but somehow remembering the things there are to be grateful for, like people and friends around him. That helps lift his spirits up and make him even more grateful! And there is a bonus – a CD at the back of the book that features Art Garfunkel singing this lovely song. (John Bucchino wrote both words and music.) Activities/Resources to help develop an attitude of gratitude: Make a poster or collage (using old magazines for pictures) of things to be grateful for. Do something for someone else – Gerry, the Very Fairy Princess in the book above, gave things to the food bank. Some families help serve Thanksgiving dinner (or some other holiday meal) at a homeless shelter. Learn to sing John Bucchino’s song. The music and lyrics are at the back of the book, as well as the CD. Maybe sing it around the table when you’re gathered with your family. Talk about things you’re grateful for – I bet someone is grateful for YOU! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

THE LONGEST LETSGOBOY by Derick Wilder, illustrated by Catia Chien — Book Recommendation

Title: THE LONGEST LETSGOBOY Author: Derick Wilder Illustrator: Catia Chien Publisher: San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, October 2021 Genre: Picture book Audience Age: 3 to 8 years Themes/Topics: dogs, dying, love, pets, hope Opening Sentences:  Mewmew wakes me, rumbledrumming my tummy. I strrrrretch my oldbones. Synopsis: This lovely, moving, heartfelt story tells of a much-loved old dog’s last day, from the dog’s perspective. The author, Derick Wilder, uses created words and phrases to enhance the feeling that this truly is the dog telling his story. The dog’s foreverfriend, Little, “holds out a tastytreat, letting me know I’m a gooddog, oh yes I am.” When they go on a letsgoboy (a walk), he feels like an awwwpuppy again, but soon his oldbones tell him that he needs to pull back his pace. He slowly sniffs his way through the forest, saying goodbye to all the places, animals, smells, and sights that he has experienced with Little all his life. The reader can tell that he knows that the end of this wonderful life is near, but even so, there is hope that all will be well. The reader is not left desolate. The ending (which I will not give away) leaves you smiling through your tears. And yes, there will be tears. Make sure you have tissues handy, and if you’re planning to read the book to your own Little or Littles, you might want to read it alone first. But please do read it with your Littles. It is such an amazing depiction of a pet’s love for his Little, and a Little’s love for her pet, that it must be shared. And the hope at the end is something that needs to be experienced. Derick Wilder has written a winner. It will burrow its way into many hearts, bring back memories of awwwpuppies and mewmews of the past, inspire many joyful letsgoboys with goodboys and goodgirls, and leave wistful smiles on many faces. Catia Chien’s soft smudgedreams of illustrations are perfect for this book. I highly recommend it. For Further Enrichment:  About the author: Derick Wilder has been a technology consultant, has volunteered at wildlife sanctuaries, and is an educator and the founder of several programs to enhance kids’ lives. THE LONGEST LETSGOBOY is his debut picture book, with two more picture books on the horizon – both very different from his debut. He is obviously versatile! You can read more about him, his books, and his initiatives on his website. About the illustrator: Catia Chien has illustrated several picture books, comics and other pieces. Her work shows her versatility and her heart. A video on PBS News Hour’s “Brief But Spectacular” will take you into her world. You can see her work at her website. Activities: This would be an excellent book to introduce a conversation (or conversations) about death and dying. It also lends itself to conversations about caring for aging pets – and by extrapolation, aging loved ones. The publisher’s website lists other conversations that this book could facilitate. Availability: Keeping in mind the current supply chain issues in the world, this book should be fairly readily available, although you might have to be patient. It is worth the wait. Check with your local (or online) independent bookseller.

November 11, 2021. We Will Remember Them

I first posted this on November 12, 2018. I have updated it slightly. It is a long post, but I hope you will read it, and find meaning in it. Today is the 103rd anniversary of the signing of the treaty that ended the 1914-1918 war, usually called World War I, known then as “the war to end all wars.” We all know now that although that name was filled with hope, that hope was quickly dashed. Today, in ceremonies in small towns, in cities, at cenotaphs, in hearts, those who fought in that war and those who didn’t return will be remembered. We also remember those who fought in subsequent wars. We hope that someday there will be peace on earth. There is also another group who made an enormous sacrifice during the bleak days of World War I, and who continue to sacrifice much every time soldiers are called to battle anywhere around the world – those who are left at home to carry on “normal” life. It was true then. It is true now. And it is also true that often the sacrifices and courage and fears of those on the home front are not recognized, or are taken for granted. There has been a great deal written about the battles of the First World War, about the soldiers on both sides, about the conditions, about all that happened on those muddy battlefields “over there.” There are official accounts, there are novels, there are small personal memoirs and diaries. Not as much has been written about the home front, either officially or in fiction. One particular book in Canadian literature stands out, and has been called by some the best account we have of home life in Canada during that war. Once the modern reader gets past the decidedly different style of a book written in 1921 – 100 years ago – the story takes hold of the emotions and the intellect, and takes us into the heart of what daily life was like in that difficult time. Rilla of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery, is the last of the beloved Anne series that begins with an eleven-year-old Anne in Anne of Green Gables and continues through Anne’s growing up years into her maturity. In Rilla of Ingleside, Anne is verging on middle age, and most of her large family have grown up. The reader’s focus is turned to Rilla, the youngest of Anne and Gilbert’s children, who is fifteen at the beginning of the book. She is, as her mother laments, not ambitious at all. She’s only interested in enjoying life. Storm clouds on the horizon indicate that is about to change. The author herself wrote later In my latest story, “Rilla of Ingleside,” I have tried, as far as in me lies, to depict the fine and splendid way in which the girls of Canada reacted to the Great War—their bravery, patience and self-sacrifice. The book is theirs in a sense in which none of my other books have been: for my other books were written for anyone who might like to read them: but “Rilla” was written for the girls of the great young land I love, whose destiny it will be their duty and privilege to shape and share. –L.M. Montgomery, from “How I Became a Writer,” 1921 Into the joy of a shoreside dance, a young man comes with the announcement that England has declared war on Germany. Some of the young men present are eager to prove themselves, seeing the possibility of fighting overseas as “a jolly adventure.” Others know, deep in their hearts, that there is nothing jolly about war. One of the advantages to writing a novel about a period of history, even just a few years later, is that one can view the entire experience in its entirety, and one’s characters can seem more prescient than was likely in real life back then. Even realizing this, it is moving and heartbreaking when Anne’s son, Walter, speaks of the fulfillment of a vision he had in his childhood, of the Piper piping and all the youth following spellbound… Young and heedless Mary Vance speaks for many as she says, “What does it matter if there’s going to be a war over there in Europe? I’m sure it doesn’t concern us.” Walter looked at her and had one of his odd visitations of prophecy. “Before this war is over,” he said—or something said through his lips—”every man and woman and child in Canada will feel it—you, Mary, will feel it—feel it to your heart’s core. You will weep tears of blood over it. The Piper has come—and he will pipe until every corner of the world has heard his awful and irresistible music. It will be years before the dance of death is over—years, Mary. And in those years millions of hearts will break.” Walter was right. And Rilla felt it as she lived through those years, and as she changed through those years: as she started a Junior Red Cross group in their village; as she took care of her ‘war baby,’ whose mother had died and whose father was at the battlefront; as she learned to follow every scrap of news avidly; and as she learned to check the published lists of those missing or killed. What Rilla went through in fiction mirrored what countless families in Canada and elsewhere went through as they watched from afar. They were helpless to do anything but their best, and to hope it would all end soon, that peace would again come, though it would be a peace in which the world would no longer be the same. We owe L.M. Montgomery our gratitude for giving us this glimpse into the world of those left at home. We can show that gratitude by being understanding and caring toward those who are dealing with the same griefs and heartaches and hopes in our time. And we can hope for peace. Someday. True and lasting and overarching …

November 11, 2021. We Will Remember Them Read More »

Laura Backes Bard and Jon Bard are FOR WRITERS!

Laura Backes Bard and Jon Bard are the forces behind the Children’s Book Insider (CBI), a monthly magazine/newsletter for children’s book writers and illustrators, and the CBI Clubhouse, which is a fabulous online one-stop-spot for all things kidlit. If you have a question about the process of creating children’s books, chances are there’s an answer in the Clubhouse. Children’s Book Insider and the goodies available in the Clubhouse are available by subscription at a decidedly affordable rate. You can find out more about joining the Insiders here. That’s not all Laura and Jon do, though. Something I particularly appreciate is their bi-monthly KidLit Social. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, and most of us were suddenly at home, wondering what was going to happen and how we were going to continue to be creative, Laura and Jon began offering free online gatherings every week called (then) The KidLit Distancing Social. There we had a chance to gather with other creatives, celebrate good news that folks had sent in, learn about opportunities, and experience a live interview between Laura and another member of the creative kidlit community. It has now morphed into an event called the KidLit Social, taking place on the first and third Tuesday of each month. It still offers fabulous learning experiences with an expanded interview segment, and it’s still FREE! I highly recommend you check into it. A bonus is that all previous socials are archived on their site, and you can view them at any time. You can find that archive here. The topic for the coming social is generally posted on social media the day before, in Facebook groups such as the Children’s Book Insider group, KidLit411, and the Children’s Book Hub, among others. If you’re signed up for the CBI newsletter, you’ll get an email telling what the next Social’s topic will be, usually the day before the event. And that’s still not all! They, along with colleagues in the kidlit writing world, have developed a series of courses for kidlit creatives known as Writing Blueprints, which you can find at this link. There is a cost for each course, but the content looks well worth every cent. You can try out the free sample for the Blueprints to see if that’s what you’re looking for. They offer occasional webinars, at an affordable cost, on various topics of interest to kidlit creatives, taught by key people in the field. They are co-founders of the wonderful one-day online conference, Picture Book Summit, along with Emma Walton Hamilton, Julie Foster Hedlund, and Katie Davis. Picture Book Summit also has a podcast, occasional posts about key issues in the kidlit world, even a free taste of PB Summit prior to the conference itself. Here’s the link to the Picture Book Summit website and the link to a post I did about the conference earlier this fall. As you can see, Laura and Jon are definitely FOR WRITERS! I hope you’ll take a look at all they have to offer, and I hope you’ll find something that’s just right for you.

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