Caring. Connecting. Changing.

Until earlier today, I was planning a different blog post. I didn’t get it written over the weekend, but was planning to write it first thing today. Then, this morning, I read the news about Las Vegas, and my plans changed.

Last night, I attended an annual event in my city at which seniors are celebrated. Specifically, the contributions of senior volunteers are celebrated. The people whose stories I heard last night have served their communities and their country, they have wrought change through their service, they have cared for people, they have cared for the natural world around us, they have cared for the gifts and talents they have been given.

As well as hearing their stories, I was moved and inspired (as were all those in attendance, I’m sure) by the guest speaker, singer/artist/activist/speaker Heather Bishop. Her words were good to hear. In the current climate of so much of the world, her words were crucial to hear.

Among other things, she encouraged each of us to connect with our own personal story, to be true to our story, and to tell our story, as it is. Only by having the courage to share our stories with each other can we connect, and truly care, and grow and change.

Quoting her, “Our stories are most profound when we truly discover who we are.” “Our stories connect us. Our stories diminish the difference between us.”

Please go to Heather’s website, watch the brief video on the main page, and experience a few of the highlights of the same talk I heard last night. Then connect with your story, and tell it, so that you can connect with others who are telling their story.

Maybe, just maybe, if we are true to our own story, and truly hear others, we can connect with them and we can change our broken, hurting world, one connection at a time.

C. Caring. Connecting. Celebrating what is good. Calling out what is not. Having courage. Creating. These things are crucial to our lives, and to the life of our world.

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