New and Improved Flubs2Fixes: Now with Developmental Editing!

After that title, I feel as though I should say 98% fewer cavities. When you think about it, in a way editing is like dealing with cavities – cavities in one’s manuscript. Do you have plot holes to fill? Weak characters? Try new, improved Flubs2Fixes: now with developmental editing!

Weak analogy aside, I’m happy to say that after planning and preparing for quite some time, working through webinars and other educational resources, and taking copious notes, I am adding developmental editing to my editing services over at my Flubs2Fixes editing website.

In my developmental editing, I’ll be specializing in children’s fiction, specifically picture books, chapter books, and middle grade novels. Children’s books are my sweet spot. I particularly enjoy working with newer writers, since I love to teach as well as edit, but of course, I welcome writers at all levels to check out my editing services.  

In my copy editing, I will continue to work on a wider range of books, from children’s fiction to adult fiction, memoir, and some nonfiction (not technical nonfiction, however, and no erotica or horror fiction, please.)

In a developmental edit, you can expect to receive a detailed editorial letter as a Word document, comments on your manuscript in Track Changes, and often suggestions for extra resources, mentor texts, even the occasional personalized information sheet. These are add-ons I often include with my copy edits, and I look forward to doing so with my developmental edits as well.

As a bonus, for the launch period of this expanded venture, I will be offering a 10% discount for ALL new editing clients, whether they choose developmental editing or copy editing. This offer is good until the end of the launch period – August 31, 2022.

During this launch period, I’ll be tweeting regularly with writing tips and self-editing tips. I invite you to follow me on Twitter for these tips and the other writing-related content I share and retweet. You’ll find me at @BethStilborn. I’ll also be posting the tips on my Flubs2Fixes Facebook Page.

 I look forward to helping writers make their manuscripts SOAR!

To learn more about my editing services, please check out the Services page on my Flubs2Fixes website. I hope you’ll soon be clicking on the Contact button!

Feel free to share this post, and my Virtual Business Card, with people you know who are looking for an editor.

Here’s to great manuscripts! Here’s to soaring!

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