A Word with Beth — A Grammar Gift

christmas gift

As you know, my focus this month is gifts that I can give you. Today, instead of the regular Grammar Q&A or Grammar Owl post, I want to share a link to a delightful episode of Kerri Miller’s The Daily Circuit on MPR (Minnesota Public Radio). Billed as “a scientist’s take on language,” Steven Pinker “uses his expertise in how our brains work to explain why we write the way we do.”

I had hoped to include a book recommendation — for that, you’ll have to wait until I pop up to the top of the hold list at the library!



As always, I welcome grammar and word-use questions to feature on A Word with Beth. Just send them to mail (at) flubs2fixes (d0t) com. In January, I’ll post part 2 of the care and feeding of commas.

Remember that everyone who comments on a post on By Word of Beth in December is entered into the giveaway for a copy of Julie Andrews’ Treasury for All Seasons (or an alternate book if you already own that one).


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