Accolades for Emma — Children’s Book Hub

Emma-Walton-Hamilton_Photo_0In December 2010/January 2011, Emma Walton Hamilton started the Children’s Book Hub, which is billed as “the center of information, resources and support for children’s book authors.” In part six of my serialized interview with Emma, she talked about the Hub, about how and why she started it, and what her hopes and dreams are for it.

I have often blogged about the myriad ways in which the Hub is integral to my development as a writer, but this series of accolades isn’t about my experience, it’s about the experiences of others.

I’m pleased to welcome Susan Verde and Ed Raarup back to the blog today, to tell us some of what the Hub means for their writing lives.

From Susan:

As a New York Times bestselling author Emma Walton Hamilton understands first hand the journey of a children’s  book writer. She knows there are questions that need asking and answers that are required and desired. Thankfully Emma created the Children’s Book Hub where all of this can and does happen. The Hub provides us writers with a place to get all of the information we are looking for under one virtual roof.  I am always learning something new and valuable from her expert interview webcasts with other writers and people from the kidlit industry and it is extremely helpful to be able to ask questions that are specific to my experience.  As a newly published writer I have lately been navigating the world of social media and marketing. Through the Hub I have gathered so much invaluable information about creating my platform. The Hub doesn’t just disseminate information it is also a place where writers can interact, collaborate and get feedback regarding their work.  I am grateful to Emma for constantly finding ways to create a community for children’s book writers. The journey may be long and sometimes daunting but it doesn’t need to be taken alone. The Hub is a supportive and informative resource and each time I visit I am reminded that there are others there to share their experience, to hold each other’s hands and to guide each other along the way. Thank you Emma!

~~ You can find Susan Verde, author of The Museum, at various web locations. Her website is  Her facebook author page is susanverde/creativecollaboration  and she is on Twitter  @susanverde


From Ed:

The old, well-worn joke, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” and its classic punch line, “Practice!” behold a truth for any artist whether you are aspiring or established. Quite simply, the more you work at your craft and hone your skills, the better artist you will be. As a writer, I found the resources, information, presentations and feedback from the Children’s Book Hub to provide an invaluable environment to learn and practice. From expert interviews to thoroughly detailed Q & A sessions, from well-written essays on the nuts-and-bolts of writing to organizational worksheets, from publishing to marketing and all that lies between, there is very little that the HUB does not provide for a writer. In essence, it is the opportunity to partake in an ongoing prestigious writing course with renowned educator/author/editor, Emma Walton Hamilton, and other writing professionals. The format is relevant and fresh with supporting materials readily at your fingertips. As topics evolve from the writing world, so does the information put forth. The HUB offers all of this 24/7 conveniently through the internet at an amazingly affordable monthly cost (certainly works for the schedule and budget of this aspiring writer). Although called the Children’s Book Hub, I believe any writer would do well to explore the HUB and the many benefits therein. Thank you to Emma and all the members who make the HUB possible. So . . . “How do you get to be a better writer?” – “HUB TO IT!” And that’s no joke.

~~ You can find Ed Raarup, Author, Fireflies and Shooting Stars at his book’s website,

Thank you both for your accolades for Emma! And thank you, Emma, for all you do for writers of children’s books! You are a gem!


To learn more about the Children’s Book Hub, you may go to the website,

We also have a Children’s Book Hub Facebook Group, which Emma and I co-host. You can find it at

For information on all the facets of Emma’s work in the world of children’s literature, check out her website at


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4 thoughts on “Accolades for Emma — Children’s Book Hub”

  1. My goodness! I’m smiling from ear to ear! Thank YOU, Susan and Ed and Beth, for your lovely words and for being such joys to work with. I am SO proud to be part of the journey of your own successes, which I know are only the beginning of many more good things to come.
    (PS – May I use your words for our Hub endorsements page? 🙂 )

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Emma, for all you do — I honestly don’t know where my work would be without your expertise and encouragement. And you are such a joy, yourself!

      I’ve alerted Susan and Ed to your request to use their words.

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