Coming Soon — “Behind the Scenes Month” and a GIVEAWAY!

Although it isn’t immediately evident on this blog, I am a person of eclectic interests. For the purposes of my blog, however, I’ve chosen to concentrate mainly on writing, reading and the arts (hence my tagline). In the summer, I may have a little fun with topics relating to that last word in the tagline, “life.” But that’s summer. This is now.

Throughout March, I’ll be taking you behind the scenes in some of the facets of the arts that particularly interest me.

If you read the whole post, you’ll be rewarded with the chance to join in on a Giveaway…

During Behind the Scenes Month, we’ll look at how books become movies; what a set and costume designer does; there’ll be a guest post by Jennifer Kirkeby, writer, actress, playwright, who recently brought Anna Dewdney’s Llama, Llama, Red Pajama to the stage in Minnesota; we’ll take a look at stage and film direction; and we’ll see some inspiring examples of symphony orchestras  reaching out beyond the concert stage.

I’ve found some great picture books that fit in with each week’s theme and look forward to sharing them with you for March’s Perfect Picture Book Fridays. I’m hoping for a couple of interviews, but haven’t finalized arrangements for those as yet.

In the midst of all that, I’ll be interviewed on Sandra Hershenson’s blog, The Write Stuff, on March 12th.  Plus, my blog will be receiving a blog critique from Laura B. Writer on March 19th. I’m looking forward to her feedback about what works and what doesn’t on By Word of Beth.

I’m excited about what’s coming up. Hope you’ll enjoy it, too!

And now (drumroll…) there’s a GIVEAWAY to wind up February.

I have an extra copy of the 2012 Guide to Literary Agents and an extra copy of The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters. They came with a package-deal I ordered. I already had purchased my copies. SO it seems logical that I share these books with my fellow writers.

If you would like your name entered into the draw for these books, simply say so in the comments on today’s, tomorrow’s or Wednesday’s posts. Indicate in your comment whether you’d like to have a chance at Agents, Query Letters, or both books. Comments will close at 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time Thursday, March 1.  On Thursday morning, will help me choose a winner for Agents and a winner for Queries.

Note: Each time you comment (for example, if you comment on each of the three posts) your name will be entered into the draw. Winners can be from anywhere (preferably on this planet).

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52 thoughts on “Coming Soon — “Behind the Scenes Month” and a GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Sounds like March is going to be a very busy and interesting month for you. Look forward to reading more. Would love to have my name put in the hat for the query letter. Thanks Beth.

  2. I can see I will be on a great learning curve with regards Behind the Scenes in March. I so wish Selznick had received some real honor at the Oscars yesterday for his masterpiece!

    I confess I haven’t yet bought 2012 Guide to Literary Agents or The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters this year, so I would appreciate a copy of either.

    1. It’s too bad Selznick got kind of lost in the shuffle — there wouldn’t have been a film if there hadn’t been the book in the first place. Have you seen Emma’s blog post about the Oscars? Excellent.

      You’re in the hat.

  3. I’m always fascinated at how books becomes movies or plays. I’m excited for Behind the Scenes Month! Oh, and I’d like a chance at the Writer’s Guide to Query Letters. Thanks for your generosity, Beth!

  4. Beth,
    Really look forward to your “Behind the Scenes” series. You have some interesting interviews lined up. You did such a unique series last summer, that I know March will be fun and informative. Very nice of you to share your books. I don’t have either yet, but my first choice is the Guide to Agents.

    1. Thanks, Pat. And thanks for remembering and mentioning last year’s series. I enjoyed doing that series very much. Your preference has been noted, and your name has been entered.

  5. Thanks, Beth, for this opportunity, and for an inside look into dramatized versions of books! My daughter is particularly interested in designing costumes. I would love to win either book…they both look extreemely useful.

    1. Thanks, Jarm. How exciting that your daughter is interested in costume design. I’ll be profiling an award winning costume and set designer for my first Wednesday Worthy post in March. (No interview, just my own thoughts about him.)

      Your name is in the hat.

  6. That’s quite a lineup for March!
    Thanks for the generous giveaway offer. I don’t have these books so I’d like either one. Fingers crossed. 🙂

  7. Your blog schedule sounds exciting! I’m already piqued about the Llama Llama Red Pajama, how they do turn books into plays! I’d love to win the Guide to Literary Agents!
    Thanks, Beth!

  8. Now my curiousity is piqued – I want to see Llama, llama, red pajama live! I can’t decide whether the guide to query letters or to agents would be more helpful to me, so I’d be thrilled to win either!

  9. That is so very generous Beth! I’d love to have a chance at both Agents and Query Letters!
    I’m fascinated by the journey from Book to Play – – then film script??? Susanne Gervay out here just had her “I Am Jack” very successfully translated to stage sow.

    1. Your name has been entered.

      Wouldn’t it be exciting to have one’s book turned into a film? Good for Suzanne and the stage show. That would be exciting as well.

  10. March will be a busy month, but we still have a couple days in February. Happy Leap Year! I mentioned on a later post, you can enter me in the drawing for either book. Package deals are always fun. Very kind of you to do a giveaway. I need to do one of those. Hmm. Thinking cap on ….

  11. Thank you Beth! what a busy month you have planned! I would love to go in the draw for either Agents and Query letters book… I look forward to your next posts ….Nicky 🙂

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