Countdown to A-B-Cs continues…

Yes, I know it’s still a bit over a month before April’s A-to-Z Blogging Challenge begins, but each time I put another piece of my alphabet puzzle together, I get a little more excited about the whole thing. Searching out words that fit my theme has been like a treasure hunt (if only that pesky Y wasn’t still buried treasure!)

In the word-seeking stage I have learned so much. For that alone, I think my participation in the Challenge has already been a success.


If you’re asking “what is this A-to-Z Challenge of which you speak, Beth?” click the magic words…

The A-to-Z Blogging Challenge is the brainchild of a blogger known as Arlee Bird of Tossing It Out. He tossed out a challenge to his readership in 2010 to see how many could post one blogpost a day in the month of April (excluding Sundays) each using a letter of the alphabet (in, you guessed it, alphabetical order) as a springboard to creativity. The Challenge has grown each year. At the moment I’m writing this, there are 649 participants signed up. It won’t be long before that number changes.

Who can join? The simple answer is “anyone with a blog.” Writers do this, but so do gardeners, foodies, people who blog for fun — participation is all over the map, both figuratively (in terms of blog topic) and literally (in terms of location of bloggers). There is the opportunity to meet new people, encounter new ideas, and share some of what means most to you. I encourage you to join in!

As I said at the top of this post, I have been having a great time (well, sometimes it’s been a frustrating and challenging time… glaring at “Y” as I say that) coming up with words that fit my theme of relating terms from the arts to writing, while still being true to my usual framework of Monday Musings, Wednesday Worthies, and Perfect Picture Book Fridays. Since the Challenge calls for blogging daily, there will obviously be other posts added to those.

If you’re interested in joining me, and the other participants, just click on this link to the Sign-Up, and add your name. Then start thinking about those letters. A-B-C all the way to X-Y-Z. (And I don’t think they care whether you pronounce that last one Zee or Zed!)

Is it April yet? And does anyone have some alphabet blocks I could play with?


11 thoughts on “Countdown to A-B-Cs continues…”

  1. Sounds like a really fun challenge, Beth. I’m always amazed at people who can blog every day. I struggle with just trying to blog once a week! Good luck preparing for the challenge. I’m sure you’ll think of something for that “y”!

    1. Thanks, Kerry! Actually, I’m planning, writing, and scheduling posts ahead of time, so I will be able to read others’ blog posts (and still get my writing done) in April.

  2. This sounds fun. I’m looking forward to seeing your daily posts! I’m tempted to do something like this with my food blog, just because it would be fun to come up with yummy foods for every letter of the alphabet.

    1. Thanks, Cap’n! This is fun — I am SO glad I didn’t wait until April and try to “wing it” though. I’d never have managed.

  3. I think I missed recognizing this post even though you told us about it in the comments, but I’m sure I’ve missed a lot. I’m making up for it by linking to this post on my next A to Z Blog Summary which will be on Saturday this week. Thanks for all of your comments and for hanging in there with us.

    Sad Songs Blogfest!
    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Thanks, Arlee. I’m looking forward to the challenge — have been signing up for the feeds of some blogs already, getting in gear.

      Here’s to the alphabet!

  4. We are in this together, Beth! It seems quite a challenge, and almost overwhelming, but I have learned so much already. Looking forward to connecting during the challenge!

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