Dr. Susan Biali — Live a Life You Love

Three years ago, both my parents suddenly had to go into nursing homes (separate nursing homes). I had a lot to cope with all at once, including the struggles with depression and anxiety that had dogged me for much of my life, and my persistent feelings of inability to cope. I soon learned that I could cope with things much better than I’d ever imagined possible, but I also knew there was room for improvement.

Part of my way of coping with all this was first to take a year’s leave of absence from my job, and then, when that year was nearly up, I decided it was time to resign from that job, after twenty-three years in that workplace. Doing so gave me the invaluable gift of being able to truly be with my parents in the final two years of their lives. It also gave me the opportunity to begin to reinvent myself — or to discover the “self” that had been there all along, trying to find a way out of the cocoon.

I read self-help book after self-help book in the first stages of trying to break out of the cocoon. One of the key books that helped me to find my wings was Dr. Susan Biali’s Live a Life You Love: 7 Steps to a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate You. Susan is the “Wednesday Worthy” I want to introduce you to today.

One of the reasons that Susan’s book spoke to me was that unlike some other writers of self-help books, she wasn’t writing just from a textbook understanding of people’s struggles. She wasn’t swooping in with “wisdom from on high.” Susan has had her own struggles, and she shares those freely throughout her book. She has come through those struggles, however, and has found ways to enhance her life, and the lives of others, and so her writing rings true, and provides not only wisdom but a sense of walking alongside her reader, which is extremely heartening.

Susan’s style in her book is approachable, warm, and understandable. I can just imagine what it would be like to experience her life-coaching first hand. Her way of making suggestions, even ones that I had heard before in other places, read in other books, makes the things she suggests seem doable. She pairs her book with a workbook (available online when one buys a copy of the book) and this helps in the processing and internalizing of her words. This is key, because it becomes not a book to read, but a book to do, and it is in doing that one truly learns.

Susan also writes for various magazines and newspapers, is featured on television, does life-coaching, speaking, and workshops. If you “like” her Facebook page, you’ll get little infusions of her warm, vivacious and enthusiastic take on life that will be sure to buoy you up as you go through your day. You can find her on the web, on Facebook, on Twitter, even on YouTube — and I encourage you to do so.

Here’s to living a life you love, and being a “healthier, happier, more passionate you!”

Thank you, Susan!


12 thoughts on “Dr. Susan Biali — Live a Life You Love”

  1. Although I can’t really make a comparison to other self-help books, I can certainly understand where you’re coming from in regards to your appreciation of your novel. It’s sort of like having a friend helping you through a rough patch, and being able to trust their words more, when they share their advice from a place of experience.

    1. Yes, knowing that Susan’s writing comes from her own experience, as well as her training, is so very helpful. I have read a great number of self-help books, and this one truly resonated with me.

  2. I agree the style of a self-help book matters. I found a writing/craft book recently much more enjoyable as it was not textbook. Sounds like we have some similarities in our background. I had to reinvent myself professional when my late husband lived in a nursing home. Thanks for sharing this author and this experience.

    1. Thanks Stacy. Personal rather than textbook definitely speaks more to me. Dealing with all you had to deal with through your husband’s illness and death must have meant enormous changes in your life. I admire you for all you’ve done to reinvent yourself.

  3. Hello Beth!
    I can’t tell you how much this post means to me, I think you have made my year : ). Your experience of my book encourages me so much to keep writing (and keep posting those Facebook posts!)
    You yourself write beautifully, I look forward to reading more of YOUR work. Promise to let me know when your books come out!
    It’s such a joy to be part of your community, I’m thrilled to know you.
    All my best,

    1. Wow. Thank you so much, Susan! And thanks for your encouragement about my writing — I will definitely keep you posted. (I don’t think I’ll need email or FB to herald the news, I think you’ll hear my shout of joy when I’m published all the way from the Prairies to the coast!)

      It is truly a thrill for me to find such glowing words from you on my blog. You are a gem.

      All the best,


  4. I have read a number of self help books over the years, and the authenticity of how you describe Susan’s book certainly does resonate with me. I am sure it was no coincidence that this book found its way into your hands at the right moment. Thank you for this recommendation and your life really is a testimony to the power of this book.

    1. Susan’s book certainly resonated with me, as you can tell! I worked through her workbook a couple of times, and those lessons were there within me when it was time for me to take wing.

      I so appreciate your words “I am sure it was no coincidence that this book found its way into your hands at the right moment.” I so agree.

      Thanks, Joanna!

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