Happy Halloweensie!

1381287_644418605581193_2145616039_nI can’t let this day go by without alerting you to the delightful treats (in the form of delectable morsels of stories) available at Susanna Leonard Hill’s stellar blog. Yes! It’s the annual HALLOWEENSIE story contest! (The SIXTH annual, no less.)

There’s not much time left to get a story written and entered (you have until the witching hour of 11:59 p.m. EDT today, October 31st to enter a story), but there’s lots of time to read the bounty of boo-tiful offerings that have already been entered.

If you’ve been around this blog (or Susanna’s) for long, you’ll know that Susanna’s contests are more popular than getting three full-size chocolate bars in your sack at one house! They’re even better than trick-or-treating at the George’s house and finding out that Mrs. George is dressed as a witch with a bubbling cauldron — and FRESH, HOT DOUGHNUTS! (True story. It was wonderful. It was in the days when you could eat such treats without a worry in the world.)

Anyway, what I’m saying is there is the equivalent of a heavy bag filled with Halloween treats waiting for you at Susanna’s blog. There are (at time of writing) 75 entries in the comments, and who knows how many entries behind the magic curtain. (It’s a little tricky getting to the linky list, but the treats will make it worth your while).

Here is the magic spell you have to cast in order to obtain access to the stories (copied and pasted straight from Susanna’s site): Eager Readers – you ALSO need to click the “click here” to add your entry button on the linky list just to see the list of links.  I apologize profusely for the inconvenience of not having the list visible right here on my site. So when you get to Susanna’s, read through the post and find the words “Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…”

Are you ready for spooktacular fun? Then click here to rattle on over to Susanna’s Blog and have a HAPPY HALLOWEENSIE!!!

(Regular blogging will resume next week. Really.)

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