Julie Hedlund’s Resolution Revolution!

Image by Bich Tran, from pexels.com

Children’s author Julie Hedlund challenged participants of her 12 Days of Christmas for Writers series to post SUCCESSES (rather than resolutions) on our blogs this year. 

She believes the way New Year’s resolutions are traditionally made comes from a place of negativity – what DIDN’T get done or achieved in the previous year. Instead, she suggests we set goals for the New Year that BUILD on our achievements from the previous one. I decided to participate in this Anti-Resolution Revolution! Here is my list for 2022.

  1. Joined a critique group. (Thanks, Courage to Create!)
  2. Recent feedback from them and from a dear writer friend is sending me deeper into my work-in-progress and helping me make some great changes as I revise.
  3. Writing-adjacent: I expanded my freelance editing services, and have had a few new clients as a result.
  4. Revamped my main website (this one) and my editing website.
  5. Invested in my development as a writer. Joined the Courage to Create community, led by Bethany Hegedus, founder of the Writing Barn. 
  6. Also joined Mary Kole’s Good Story Learning, for access to a plethora of craft webinars. 
  7. Kept going with my writing, even though sometimes I wondered if I should.
  8. Sent out 7 queries, in a year when I’d decided not to query, but to focus my attention on my work-in-progres.
  9. Continued to rejoice in being able to attend webinars, book launches, and book talks online. Long may this online access continue!
  10. For the first time since Julie began this 12 Days of Christmas for Writers adventure several years ago, I got brave enough to post this list on my blog.

My next step is to build on these successes in the new year. Here’s to all of us building our new year on the strong foundation of the past year’s accomplishments!

Image by Bich Tran, from pexels.com
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2 thoughts on “Julie Hedlund’s Resolution Revolution!”

  1. Love this post, Beth! I, too, love looking back at what I’ve accomplished in the past year…and it sounds like you’ve had a great year and are now looking forward to 2023! Congrats on the website – it looks awesome!

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