Llama Llama Red Pajama — Perfect Picture Book Friday

You knew this had to be my Perfect Picture Book this week, right?


Title: Llama Llama Red Pajama

Author/Illustrator: Anna Dewdney

Publisher: New York: Viking, 2005


Genre: Picture book, rhyming, fiction

Audience Age: 2 and up

Theme: Bedtime, fears, parental love.

Opening Sentences: Llama llama red pajama reads a story with his mama.

Synopsis: Mama tucks Baby Llama in, and goes downstairs. Baby Llama wants Mama to come back, and has to wait what seems a very long time. He tries all sorts of things, and finally wails at the top of his lungs, which brings Mama on the run with reassurance that although she’s not always here, she’s always near.

Activities/Resources: Teacher Vision has an activity kit for all the Llama Llama books (may have a fee)

There are many Llama Llama activities on the Llama Llama webpage.

Merry Bee has pre-reading and post-reading activities.

Teaching Books has a links list including an author interview and more.

Meet Me at the Corner has a video that introduces kids to llamas.

Cybersleuth Kids has links to many resources for learning about llamas.

There is a Red Pajama Llama doll which is absolutely adorable (if a little expensive).

And of course, a family or class could act out Llama Llama Red Pajama!

Availability: Readily available in hardcover.

Every Friday, bloggers join together to share picture book reviews and resources, thanks to author Susanna Leonard Hill’s brainchild, “Perfect Picture Book Fridays.” Susanna then adds the books (and links to the reviews) to a comprehensive listing by subject on her blog. Find the entire listing at her “Perfect Picture Books.”

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26 thoughts on “Llama Llama Red Pajama — Perfect Picture Book Friday”

  1. Well, you know I love this one, Beth!!! I love all the Llama Llama books! I love the art – he’s so cute and expressive! – and I love the rhyme and the stories – there is nothing to not like about a Llama Llama book 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this one and adding it to our list!

  2. Right!! 🙂 It is a wonderful book. i so love these anthropomorphized llamas! It is no surprise these books have had such success!.

  3. Love the llama books. And, why am I not surprised you ended the week featuring the book! It was a fun week on your blog. Great message and illustrations! Great selection for the PPB.

  4. Oh, who could not love Anna Dewdney. My boys read “Llama, Llama Holiday Drama” over and over and over this past Christmas. Her rhymes are just the best.

  5. A perfect choice to end your week! I have to admit, I’ve never read this book and I’ll be looking for it at our library next week. Thanks, Beth!

  6. Okay so I’m late… sorry! Loved this cute book. Funny we spent last weekend out looking at Llama’s and Alpaca’s at a country show. No I was not surprised you ended up reviewing this book… lovely choice.

    1. Oh cool that you saw llamas and alpacas in the flesh! I have a friend who is currently washing a LARGE amount of alpaca fleece prior to spinning it into yarn and knitting with it.

      Thanks, Diane (and no worries about being late — I hope to get to all the PPBFs this weekend, as yesterday was a busy day.)

  7. Hi Beth, your blog has a brand new look and feel to it! it’s been so long since I last visited! We have just recently joined PPBF and I am glad it has reconnected me to your lovely site. Llama Llama sounds like a lovely book! Seems like the perfect book to read indeed for children during bed time. Will check this one out from our library. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Myra! It’s lovely to see you again, and I’m glad you enjoyed the new look of my blog. Welcome to PPBF!

      Enjoy Llama Llama — I’m sure you will.

  8. Beth…fantastic pick! Love the resources as well.
    Yes, I’ve already added this book to my list of must-take-to-New-Hampshire-next-month books. How much does the airline charge for overweight luggage? 🙂 🙂

    1. Thanks, Vivian! Perhaps you can get the airline to add a little trailer behind the plane, the way cross-country buses do, to carry all the books you’re taking? 😉

    1. Me too, for loving the Llama books. Every time I come to this post and see that little Llama face, I just have to stop and think how adorable he is before I go on to read the new comment!

  9. Pingback: Animal A to Z Picture Book Recommendations for Great Summer Reading « Positive Parental Participation

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