September Accountability

My goalThis has been an unusual month. Not as much writing was done as in recent months, although I assure you I haven’t been idle.

The highlight of the month was participating in Erik’s blog tour for The Adventures of Tomato and Pea, Part I: A Bad Idea. If, somehow, you missed the tour you can catch up by going to the blogs listed here, and searching for Tomato and Pea. (They’re somewhere on EAR-TH, I’m sure… 😉 )

To get an idea of what I’ve been doing this month, click the magic words…

12 x 12 — At almost the last minute (actually on Saturday the 28th) I wrote a sort-of draft of a picture book. The idea had been rolling around in my mind for a couple of weeks. Finally I told myself to just get something written! It needs a lot of work, but at least it’s some semblance of a picture book draft. That’s a start.

Regular writing — In early September, I got out a novel-for-grownups that I had written back in 2009 or 2010, had rejected a couple of times, and set aside. Since then I have learned a great deal about the writing process, and I still believe in the story and like many parts of it, so I’m trying to get it into better shape. We shall see how that goes. I didn’t get far this month because of another project that has taken much of my time.

Blog — It’s been good to get back to posting Perfect Picture Books, although I haven’t done well on commenting on other people’s posts. I apologize for that, but I’ve been a bit distracted. I plan to try for a couple of Perfect Picture Books per month, and will feature other books the other Fridays. I have two posts planned that will be on non-standard days, one on Thursday, October 24th, and one tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1st.

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow, as I’ll be announcing something that I hope will be of benefit to the writing community. (And yes, you’ll have to come back tomorrow, October 1st to find out what I’m talking about! No hints will be given today.)

What did your September look like? What do you hope for October?

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11 thoughts on “September Accountability”

  1. Beth! You’re so strict! I want a hint! How am I supposed to wait until tomorrow??? 🙂 Sounds like all your writing work is coming along well. Now I’ll go try to distract myself for 23 hours until I can find out what you’re up to 🙂

  2. Looks like you’ve made some progress, and even the smallest steps forward are productive. Will have to come back for this exciting news. Can’t wait 🙂

    1. Thanks, Angela — your perspective is encouraging! The exciting news may be more exciting for me than for others, but we’ll see… 🙂

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