She Shoulda Been a Contender!

Red carpet at night.Likely everyone has a film or two, and an actor or two, they think should have won an Oscar. No doubt some of that is cropping up in water cooler and coffee room conversations all over the United States and Canada today, as people talk about last night’s Academy Awards.

I want to take you a little further back than last night’s award ceremony, to a film and a performance that I rate as Oscar worthy. The film was released in 1986. The Oscar ceremony for which it was not even a nominee — nor was its star — was held on March 30, 1987. (And I need to say now — sorry, Erik, but it’s a movie you won’t be able to watch for a few more years. You can keep reading this post, though!)

Who was missing from the nominees that year?

I suspect many of you are not even aware of the film Duet for One, with screenplay by Tom Kempinski (who wrote the original stage play as well), directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, inspired at least somewhat by the life of cellist Jacqueline Du Pre.

Stephanie Anderson, the main character of the film, is a world-class British violinist who is stricken with Multiple Sclerosis, and deals with the wrenchingly difficult reality of watching her ability to play the violin deteriorate until her fingers can no longer be trusted to obey her brain’s commands.

To get her portrayal of Stephanie Anderson “right,” Julie Andrews spent quite some time with people who deal with MS, talking with them, learning from them, observing them. Her efforts paid off. She puts the viewer through the wringer in her performance, making us feel how the character feels in her anguish at losing the music that was her life. This link, although mainly about her co-star, tells more about her performance and the lengths she went to in order to make it ring true.

A close friend of mine who has MS says (in my interpretation of what she has told me) that the portrayal is wrenchingly real, a performance that goes right to the core of her being, leaving her feeling shaken, and in awe of the talent that took her through those feelings.

There should have been an Oscar for that performance, if not for the film itself. There wasn’t even a nomination. For whatever reason, this film has been largely overlooked, not only by the Academy but by the film-viewing world at large.

I would urge you (if you are over 18) to see this film. One word of caution, there is some nudity (not gratuitous) and some foul language. The movie has never been released on DVD (I own it on VHS tape) but I’m pleased to say it appears to be available on Netflix.

A stunning performance that will not only leave you impressed with the actress’s dramatic talents, but will leave you with a deeper understanding of how radically Multiple Sclerosis changes a person’s life.  Duet for One. Put it in your Netflix queue.

12 thoughts on “She Shoulda Been a Contender!”

  1. I wish I were an awards watcher. I will miss out on all the contender talks given my lack of interest. I do, however, appreciate the work artists put into their work and it sounds like Julie Andrews went to great lengths to give proper justice to her role and to those who suffer daily with the illness. Good on her 🙂

  2. Will admit this is not a movie I’ve seen. I watched some trailers on it and saw how “real” her portrayal is. I will look it up. Sometimes, I think movies that deal with heart wrenching subjects (like disabilities and diseases) don’t get the acclaim they are due. And, then looking at some of the movies that receive the acclaim, sometimes leave me surprised. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. I don’t truly keep up well with the awards, Beth, but wi do know that Julie gave a knockout performance in Duet for One – very powerful and authentic.

    1. Glad you checked with your mom, Erik! It’s a very meaningful and moving film. Perhaps some day when you’re much older, you’ll be able to see for yourself.

  4. as you know, beth, this one hits pretty close to home. as far as i am concerned, this is julie’s best performance in a film. While I love many of her other, lighter movies, i am kicked in the gut with her acting in ‘Duet’.

    if the academy didn’t see fit to give her an oscar, or even nominate her for one, then i’m not sure what they are looking for in an actress. as they say, ‘she was robbed!’

    thanks for bringing this one to your readers’ attention. erik aside, find this moive, people, and watch it.

    1. Jan, Thank you so much for chiming in. Your opinion of the movie guides me in knowing how very authentic Julie’s performance is. She was robbed, indeed.

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