Anyone having Subscription Problems?

Today someone asked me if I had any idea why they hadn’t received notification of several of my most recent posts. I’m wondering if anyone else is having subscription problems, because I notice that my subscription count has dropped overnight from 50 something to 27. Either a lot of people have decided en masse that my blog is not for them (which is a perfectly legitimate thing to decide) or there’s something wonky going on with my subscription feed.

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3 thoughts on “Anyone having Subscription Problems?”

  1. Not sure. When I saw this headline, I thought maybe you were talking about the multiple emails. I’m an email subscriber to most blogs. I received up to four email notifications for some blogs on Thursday. Not yours, but a handful. Most wordpress blogs only give the option of subscribing via email, so I’m pretty much married to this method if I want to follow random blogs. I have a mental list of 10 to 12 blogs I just know what days they post and visit before checking my email.

  2. I am like you Stacy I am married to the email notification subscription, but I suddenly didn’t get these last few notifications and thought I ought to let Beth know, seems it was a good thing……. or maybe not! Beth dropping to 27 like that I think something is not quite right…. no way would there be a mad exit to leave your blog. (Got the three current posts today in one email hit)

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