Writer’s Resources Giveaway WINNERS!

Thanks to the random number generator at random.org, it is easy to select a winner of a giveaway, and know that it is a totally fair and random selection. (Thank you random.org!)

There were many entries for the writer’s resources giveaway — as always, I wish I had a book for each of you. However, there could only be two winners, and they are… (drum roll starts faintly, increases in volume, then dies away…)

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The 2012 Guide to Literary Agents goes to ANGELA BROWN! Congratulations, Angela. Your book will be in the mail soon.

The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters goes to DIANE TULLOCH! Congratulations, Diane. Your book will also be in the mail soon (it has a rather long voyage ahead of it, so it might take a while.)

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And, just a heads-up for April. There is a giveaway planned for the end of April, of a brand-new, hot-off-the-press picture book (and another cool item to be disclosed the final week of April). Stay tuned!

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6 thoughts on “Writer’s Resources Giveaway WINNERS!”

  1. Congrats to Diane! I’ve been so stoked and will do my very best to ensure this resource is put to good use, not just for myself but as something I can share on my blog. Thanks so much, Beth. I’m humbled.

  2. Thankyou Beth for this great resource. Will certainly let you all know what I garnered from it. Congrats to you Angela, yay a winner to. I can’t believe how my luck is going this year (abeit with a slight hitch) maybe this is an omein for something magical later in the year…. fingers, pens, pencils crossed. …lol. Thankyoou so much.

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