The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers is nearly here!

One of my favorite times in all the year will soon be starting! Julie Hedlund’s 12 Days of Christmas for Writers is a wonderful, inspiring way to reflect on the year past, on the good and the bad, to sift all the experiences, find the learnings, and make plans for going into the new year filled with hope, courage and inspiration to build on the learnings from the past year. There is a Facebook Group that quickly becomes a caring, supportive community where we can share difficult things, gain clarity and understanding, and feel support to move forward. It’s also a group where we have a lot of fun!

I am so grateful that Julie has decided to run this program again, and I’m grateful that this year I can do a little bit to help with the Facebook Group.

If you’re a writer who would like a chance to process the things that didn’t go the way you’d hoped, and build on the things that went well from the past year, in community with many others, in a program that I can vouch for because I’ve been through the process so many times (every year since its inception), then click on this link to get to the sign-up page and join us. You’ll receive an email every day beginning December 26, and running (you guessed it) twelve days. Each email will have a video that will take you through that day’s step in the process, along with the loveliness of the crackling fire behind Julie, and the wisdom she has to offer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This process is open to ALL writers. You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to benefit from it.

All this and an imaginary partridge in a pear tree, too!

1 thought on “The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers is nearly here!”

  1. Pingback: 2023 / A Writing Year in Review | Of Maria Antonia

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