I wish I could say I spent my blog-cation doing what this cat is doing. That wasn’t quite the case, actually. 😉
Part of my blog-cation, I was actually BLOGGING. Not here, except for one post, but I did manage a post a week on my new Starborn Revue blog, which is devoted to the performing arts and creativity. (Note to self: summer is probably not the best time to launch a blog.)
Most of the rest of the time, I was WRITING. My laptop and I were busy this summer!
For a look back at the summer’s writing, and a look ahead to September’s blogging, click on the magic words…
12×12: I am delighted — make that astonished — to be able to report that I wrote a picture book draft and revised a picture book in July, and revised one in August, as well.
Middle grade: One middle grade novel is completed and is “out there” — the agent search process has begun. I’m currently working on revisions of a middle grade mystery. I tried something new with this revision. To begin, I did the sort of manuscript evaluation that I’ve received from Emma Walton Hamilton in the past, but this time it was me, evaluating my own manuscript. I am convinced that with my “editor” eyes, I saw much more that needed work than I would have otherwise. I am now working through the reams of suggestions I gave myself.
Fiction for grown-ups: I completed the second draft of my novel, although I feel it should really be called the second first draft, as I added so much new material. It still needs work, but it’s getting there.
Children’s Book Hub: The Hub Facebook Group is still a major focus for me daily. It’s growing and people continue to share great resources and ask intriguing questions. If you’re involved in creating kidlit, and you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join us in the Facebook Group. (You have to request membership — please be sure Emma and I can tell from your publicly viewable FB info what your involvement is in the kidlit world.) I’m also associate editor of the monthly newsletter for the full subscription-based Children’s Book Hub, and enjoy that very much. (If you’d like to join the full Children’s Book Hub, click here for info.)
I also spent time in July wishing I were in Southampton, NY at the Stony Brook Southampton Children’s Literature Conference, and spent some time in August wishing I were in Los Angeles for the Summer Conference of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). Some day I’ll get back to those conferences…
BLOGGING: Here’s just a hint of what will be coming up in September on By Word of Beth.
Perfect Picture Book Friday: PPBF starts up again on September 7th, going into its third year! Although I won’t be participating every Friday, I do have a picture book to share with you on the 7th, one that is quite far removed from the usual sorts of books I choose for PPBF. (It is something I read for research on the middle grade mystery, actually.)
Blog Tour: I’ll be participating in a blog tour during the second week of September as Erik, the Kid Who Reviews Books, launches his self-published chapter book adventure story. I will be reviewing the book on September 13th, and will have a GIVEAWAY for one paperback copy of Erik’s book. I’m so proud of Erik!
International Dot Day: As I did last year, I will be creating a Dot and posting it on my blog, September 15th-ish. (Actual date of posting will be September 16th.) This year, Peter H. Reynolds is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the publication of his picture book The Dot, which was the inspiration for International Dot Day in which kids (and adults) all around the world are encouraged to “make their mark” creatively. There’s still time to sign up! Encourage a school class or other kids’ group to do so, or sign up on your own. (I signed up as “other” and indicated I’m a blogger.) My friend Pat Tilton, wrote a wonderful blog post in which she encourages those of us in the kidlit blogging world to make our mark on September 15th-ish. Read it here!
I hope to post every Friday, and most Mondays. Here’s to a new season of blogging! (Wake up, kitty…)
What did you do this summer? What do you have planned for September? Please tell me in the comments!
As always you have been very busy, Beth. Congrats on getting your work ‘out there.’ I am joining the blog tour, and I better scurry to register for Dot Day!
Thanks, Diane. Great that you’re in on the blog tour, as well!
After reading all that, I feel like a total slacker!! GAH! I started the summer with knee replacement surgery, and then got back on track with 12×12 and wrote, revised, and submitted a picture book or two or three. Slacker!! 🙂
Great post, Beth. You are definitely not a slacker…..
You are definitely not a slacker, either. Frankly, I wish I had taken some time to rest, because I’m starting the autumn feeling tired!
What a productive summer you’ve had Beth! There’s a lot of dates to remember in the blogging world this month. I’d better get organised when the kids go back. So excited for Erik! Some day soon I’ll be launching off too.
I hope you’ve had a good summer, and got in some relaxation time — that’s what was missing from my summer.
You’ve been productive as always. In my experience, having too many napping kitties around sets a bad example. At least that’s my excuse for why I don’t get things done…
Looking forward to your new posts! Miao purrs.
A few napping kitties would set the kind of example I need! The thing I needed to accomplish and didn’t, was REST!!! Hugs to all!
You certainly know how to manage your time and balance a lot of activities. You’ve been so productive!
Thank you for mentioning my post in your message about International Dot Day. The more publicity we get out there through blogs and FB, the better. It really has grown into an international day/week of kids connecting their dots with other kids globally.
Are you keeping up both posts? I changed you to the Starborn Review on my blog.
Will look forward to your review of Erik’s book.
Thanks, Pat! Yes, I intend to keep both blogs going, if possible. If you want to link to both in your listing, that would be great.
Wow and Congratulations on completing and getting your book “out there.” I say wow because you certainly inspire me with all that you do and offer. I can’t wait to see the book you’re offering on PPBF. Oh, and I’m so proud and excited for Erik. Loving that you’ll be giving away a paperback of his work. Boy howdy, there’s so much in store for us this fall thanks to you. Here’s to an awesome autumn, Beth!
Thanks, Pam! I hope I can live up to your expectations!
Your summer was quite the busy time. Glad you got so much done.
And how awesome that Erik will be publishing! YAY!
Thanks, Angela.
I am so proud of and impressed by Erik!
You may have had a blog-cation, but certainly not a write-cation. You accomplished so much in so many genres! Amazing! Congrats on having a middle grade novel out there and good luck with it!
I’m happy to hear about Erik! He is one talented young man!
Thanks, Penny! Erik is indeed a talented young man!
Oh, admit it, Beth, you really have been napping on the computer next to the cat! LOL!
I knew you’d never slow down. Congratulations to you on all that you’ve accomplished this summer and congrats to Erik, too, for getting his book out!
My summer is a blur but mostly I canned/processed our garden bounty with my family a lot these past few months. 🙂 Writing-wise, I’ve been working, though not nearly as hard as you!
Happy September!
LOL! Don’t I wish I’d been napping as peacefully as that cat! (Cats have a lot to teach us humans, I think…)
Thank you, Teresa. I’m so impressed with the canning, etc., that you do — I saw the picture you posted on Facebook. Wow! Glad you’ve been writing, too.
Happy September to you!
I guessed you’d been a busy writing-beaver over the summer! Wow. Especially cool that you got back into picture-book mode, too!
Gee, I am so excited about Erik’s forthcoming book!
I don’t seem to know how to take a day off!
Next week’s blog tour is going to be so much fun — everyone’s getting so excited.
Well, I didn’t get MUCH done this summer, besides publishing a book and all that, plus writing (and revising) a PB last month… 😉 Thank you for the shout-out and thank you for the nice words! That means a lot to me. 🙂
I am going to post on Dot Day too! I haven’t made my Dot yet, though. What is the general subject of your MG book (you don’t have to say if you don’t want to)? You did great this summer, Ms. Stilborn A.K.A. Ms. Starborn! 😀
You got TONS done this summer! I’m so impressed. And I’m so delighted to be part of your blog tour. I can hardly wait to read all the posts!
I haven’t made my Dot yet, either, although I have an idea. I just have to figure out how to do what’s in my head!
I’m not quite ready to say what my MG book is about yet. Sorry!
Thanks so much Erik!