In the Spotlight — Teresa Robeson and Fiction for a Cause

Dark theatreMy friend Teresa Robeson is multi-talented. She’s a homeschooler, a homesteader, and a writer in several genres. And you should see her sketches of birds!

I got to know her because of her interest in writing for kids, and particularly writing picture books, but the books we’re focusing the spotlight on today are collections of speculative fiction stories for older readers.

Not only are these books well worth reading (I’ll give you the links in a minute) but the proceeds from their sales go to a very worthy cause.

The books are e-anthologies, available through amazon. They include stories written by Teresa and the others of her speculative fiction group, The Minnows Literary Group. Although some of the stories are, as the amazon description says, “inspired by a love of the fairy tale,” they are not fairy tales for young kids. Rather, they are intended for the young adult to adult age bracket (perhaps upper middle grade but no younger).

The two books currently available are In a Land Far Away, the one I mentioned that is inspired by the writers’ love of original fairy tales, and Out of Time: Five Tales of Time Travel. The authors who contributed to In a Land Far Away are Janet Guy, Kelly Horn, Russell James, Teresa Robeson, Paul Siluch, and Belinda Whitney. The authors of Out of Time are Janet Guy, Teresa Robeson, Paul Siluch, Russell James, and Kelly Horn.

In In a Land Far Away, some of the stories are humorous while others are dark. Some are new twists on familiar tales. I haven’t read them all yet – but I will! I particularly enjoyed one of Teresa’s contributions, “Three Long Pigs,” an anthropological take on the familiar fairy tale that had me giggling loudly. Even if you’ve only taken Anthro 100, as I have (and even if that class was nearly forty years ago!) you’ll still catch many of the references.

The stories in Out of Time are longer, darker, more complex, and thoroughly fascinating. I have some great reading ahead of me!

I am particularly impressed that the money earned from sales of these books is not going to the authors – instead, all proceeds are being donated to Doctors Without Borders/Médicins San Frontières, the medical aid organization that provides necessary emergency medical assistance to people all over the world.  Kudos to these authors, who saw a need, and are truly giving of themselves and their creativity.

You can read more about this project at Teresa’s blog (and while you’re there, you can learn more about Teresa’s many creative outlets). Be sure that you also click the link in the list of authors, which will take you to her website. I hope you’ll also check out the Minnows’ site, as well as the sites of the other authors, all linked above.

Tweet this: Share this great project that benefits Doctors Without Borders by using one of the ready-made tweets below. Just click the tweet button.

Speculative fiction book sales benefit Doctors Without Borders! Blogpost by @BethStilborn about @TeresaRobeson Tweet

Authors give to Doctors Without Borders thru sales of e-books. See blogpost by @BethStilborn about @TeresaRobeson Tweet


All the best to you and your writing group, Teresa!

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44 thoughts on “In the Spotlight — Teresa Robeson and Fiction for a Cause”

  1. I’ve always considered Teresa to be one of the nicest and generous persons I’ve met on the internet. It figures that she’s a contributor to anthologies that benefit others! Thanks for sharing, Beth; I will too! :0)

  2. Ooh, thank you for featuring Teresa and these anthologies. I have IN A LAND FAR AWAY and the stories are really engaging. Teresa is a treasure (not to mention one of my fabulous critique partners). She never ceases to amaze me with her generosity. 🙂

    1. Beth is right: I am just as lucky to have you as a critique partner…actually, I am the luckier of the two of us! I get to have my poetry hero(ine) as my friend and critique buddy!

  3. I am so glad you put Teresa and her gifts in the spotlight today, she deserves it! How wonderful that these anthologies are helping Médecins Sans Frontières!

    1. Joanna, thank you! I’ve always been in awe of the things MSF does and we are thrilled to be able to give to them while honing our craft. 🙂

    2. You are so right that Teresa is deserving of the spotlight. She is a delightful person (I can tell, even though we haven’t met in ‘real life’ yet) and her group is so awesome in their generosity to MSF.

  4. Wow, I didn’t know that Teresa was such a talented author — and even has a dark side. It is great that these anthologies are helping Doctors Without Borders, one of my favorite charities.

    1. I’m so glad MSF is one of your favorite charities too, Patricia! My dark side, luckily, is only in stories. I’m rather Pollyanna-ish in person! 😉

    2. Teresa is a woman of many talents — and great generosity. I hope you’ll get the e-anthologies so you can see for yourself what a talented author she is.

  5. Beth, thank you SO much again for featuring me and my SF group’s anthologies for charity! I’m so glad to have met you through 12×12 and I hope we’ll be able to meet in person one day. xo

    1. Thank YOU, Teresa — and kudos to you and your group for your writing and for your generosity to MSF!

      I hope we *will* meet in person some day! That will be great! xo

  6. Beth, thank you for featuring Teresa. She’s just as beautiful inside as she is out. I LOVE HER!!! What a wonderful charity, too. I have a charity (the brain disorder my son Christopher was born with) but I am buying both anthologies and we will try to donate as soon as possible. I’m making a note in my email program so I don’t forget. Thanks again Beth. *waves*

    1. Robyn, you dear! Thank you, thank you! Perhaps an anthology could be put together to raise money for the illness Christopher has (or for Christopher specifically!)? We should talk about this maybe in WANA or MPBM? xoxo

  7. Great spotlight post! I see I’m not the only one with only half of the book equation. I enjoyed the time travel stories. I’ll have to add the other one to my reading list. Thanks Beth and Teresa.

    1. Erik, given how mature you are, I would say that you could handle the stories. Some are more horror stories than science fiction, but old time fairy tales also tend to be horrific too. :} Just don’t blame me for any nightmares you might have! LOL!

    2. Maybe your Mom or Dad could read it first, and help decide if you’re ready for it now, or if you should wait a year or two.

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