Join the Team — Be a STAR!

Happy joyful friends forming a circle with their hands in centerAs I said in last week’s post, creative people are learning that we have to be our own advocates. We are the ones who must get our message out into the world. That’s why I’m so eager to take Julie Hedlund’s webinar in April, Authors as Entrepreneurs.

That’s also why I’m currently reading the brand-new, hot off the cyberpresses second edition of Katie Davis’ How to Promote Your Children’s Book. Katie has great ideas that can work no matter what you’re promoting.

Something I’ve learned from both Julie and Katie (and others along the way) is that although each of us is our own best advocate, we don’t have to go it alone. Reciprocity ROCKS! Supporting each other, telling others, advocating for one another, recommending each other’s blogs, books, courses… the list goes on.

I’m hoping we can put some of that reciprocity into action. I hope that some of you will consider helping me with something I’d like to do to promote my Flubs2Fixes copy-editing service, and in turn, I’d like to help you get the word out for something that’s important to you.

To do that, I’d like to invite you to join my team – the STAR Team (a play on my pen-name, Elizabeth Starborn). For this team, the letters S-T-A-R stand for Support, Tell, Advocate, Recommend.

I have created a promotional card for Flubs2Fixes (half page size) that I would like to make available in places where writers congregate.

Would any of you who are planning to attend writers’ conferences or workshops be willing to take a few of these cards and place them on the hand-out table, wherever that is allowed/appropriate? I would appreciate it very much.

Here’s where the reciprocity comes in – any writer who is able to do this, who joins the STAR team, will receive a 20% discount off my copy-editing/proofreading services if you choose to make use of Flubs2Fixes (there is absolutely no obligation to do so!)

Also, I’ve decided to revive my “In the Spotlight” blog series, with a bit of a twist. I plan to spotlight different blogs, websites, courses, and books. “In the Spotlight” will be the feature on the first Monday of each month, and in the case of books, the first Friday of the month.

Although the Spotlight won’t be restricted to posts related to members of the STAR Team, if you have a blog, website, resource, course or book that you would like to have featured, I would be happy to give you a shout-out and time in the Spotlight. At the end of such a post, I’ll provide a couple of ready-made tweets for others to share that will extend the shout-out for your blog/site/resource/etc.

If you are able/willing to take a few Flubs2Fixes promotional cards for distribution, and thereby join the STAR Team, please send me an email using the Flubs2Fixes email address: mail (at) flubs2fixes (dot) com with STAR Team in the subject line, telling me how many cards you can take, and letting me know where to send them.

I’ll keep a list of who signs up, so that you can receive your discount and your time in the spotlight.

When you email, be sure to let me know how I may help you!

Please follow my blog!
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13 thoughts on “Join the Team — Be a STAR!”

  1. Sure, Beth, I would love to support your entrepreneurial spirit. I hope to attend one small craft conference this summer, so would be happy to take some promotional stuff with me.

  2. Count me in, Beth! I won’t be attending the summer conferences, but I will be hanging out there and can certainly put your cards up on the bulletin boards. I could probably even do that before the conferences start! I’ll email you when I get home and onto my laptop (doing it on the phone is not the smoothest process ever). Miss you!

  3. Hi Beth, I can do this. I could also put a badge on my website if you have one, and/or write about you with a link. Message me on facebook or email. I’m going to a creative women’s retreat this weekend and could give them your contact info and have cards available at a writer’s workshop coming up in our area at the end of April.
    Play off the Page

  4. Pingback: In the Spotlight — Blogging Bistro

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