My new website is ready for the spotlight!

劇場カーテンIt took a little longer than I expected, but my new blog/website is now ready to meet its public.

Before I tell you more about the new blog, I want to assure you that this blog, By Word of Beth, will be sticking around and I will continue to post on it (after my summer hiatus). The only reason for a new blog/site is that I have decided to use a pen-name for my kids’ writing, and so needed a site that would reflect that.

So… on to the announcement of the pen-name and the new blog (drum roll please…).

Thanks to the insightful and inspired suggestion of a friend, I will be writing my children’s books as Elizabeth Starborn. This pen-name reflects, in part, the fact that many of my writing projects highlight theatre and music. I also hope, as I say in the initial post on the new blog, “to provide a springboard for kids to let their creativity shine, and to become ‘star-borne’ as they discover just what shines inside each one of them.”

With that pen-name and purpose in mind, I have created a blog/site in that “persona”, that draws heavily on the world of theatre, theatre lore and lingo, while still (I hope) providing a wider view of the ways in which kids (and adults) can explore and celebrate their creativity. I am grateful to another friend for her support, encouragement, and imaginative ideas as I developed this blog/site.

I realize it won’t appeal to all my readers here, that’s fine. As I say, I’ll still be here as my same old self.

When you click on the link below, you’ll find my welcome video (which I’ve been working on in Katie Davis’s Video Idiot Boot Camp) followed by my first blog post. If you click on the tabs in the menu across the top, you’ll learn some of the things I have planned for the site. Links to my new Elizabeth Starborn Facebook Page and Twitter presence are in the sidebar on the far right.

And so, may I present


where the reader takes center stage

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5 thoughts on “My new website is ready for the spotlight!”

  1. Yay! I’m going over RIGHT NOW!!!
    I’m back! Are Lady and Sir your cats? I like the pen-name! I plan to have a pen-name when I write about superheroes that I made up (Edward Samuel Webbers = He has the same initials as mine – Erik S. W. 😉 )

    P.S. Just so you know, I formally introduced myself to Ms. Starborn. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Erik!!!! Love your future pen-name!

      Sir was my cat when I was your age, and Lady was my friend Jan’s cat. Those are their stage names, by the way!

      Thanks for formally introducing yourself — Ms. Starborn will reply very soon! 🙂

  2. Beth, I just added your feed to a widget on my SingingTuna site. If that’s not OK, let me know. I love having you there!

    1. That is so cool!!! Thank you Robin! This is the first chance I’ve had to reply — and I’m going to dash over right now to check it out.

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