Reader Survey!

Feedback,Opinion,Answer,Review,Comment 3d word

I want to make sure I’m providing the kind of content you want to read, and the kind of posts you find helpful.

To do that, I have created a brief reader survey so that you can provide feedback on both what you like here at By Word of Beth and what you don’t like.

The survey is completely anonymous. No personal or identifying data will be collected. The survey results won’t be made public. What you tell me is solely for my use in making By Word of Beth a better blog. The survey is conducted through Survey Monkey. For your information, here are their privacy policy and security statement.

It should take less than five minutes for you to complete. You can be as brief or as detailed as you wish. I appreciate any and all feedback!

I will be accepting responses until 11:45 p.m. CST on Monday, May 25th. After that, the survey will be closed.

I hope you’ll be willing to give a couple of minutes of your time to help me make By Word of Beth shine! Here’s the link:

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By Word of Beth Reader Survey

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1 thought on “Reader Survey!”

  1. Pingback: A Word with Beth — I Can Really Get INTO This Grammar Problem! | By Word of Beth

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