What’s on YOUR Bucket List? Here’s Mine (Part Two)

dream Last Friday I posted the first several items in my alphabetical bucket list. Today, I’ll share the rest of the list with you.

First, here’s an excellent post from a site called Raptitude: getting better at being human about how to create a bucket list filled with things that you really have the intention of doing.

And now, the list.

Keeping On: I want to keep on learning, keep on growing, “keep on keeping on” as my grandmother used to say. When my mother was in her last year of life (although we didn’t realize it was her last year at the time), in the nursing home, she decided she didn’t know as much as she’d like to about the human body. She asked her doctor to recommend some books for her to read, and she had a wonderful time reading, learning, and sharing (she was always teaching). In fact, she read all kinds of books, up until the last month or so of her life. I want to be like that.

Long Island: I’ve visited Long Island twice (specifically Sag Harbor and Southampton) but would like to spend an extended time there. I’d also like to spend more time in Los Angeles, and in London.

Meeting People: I’ve met some amazing people over the years. I hope that continues as my life progresses. I hope some of the people I meet are some of the wonderful people in the kidlit world whom I’ve come to know online.

New York Times Crossword: My Christmas gift to myself in 2014 was a subscription to the New York Times Crossword online. I’m enjoying it very much. I do well on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday puzzles (they get harder as the week progresses). I usually do quite well on the larger Sunday puzzle. My bucket list goal is to be able to complete the Thursday, Friday and Saturday puzzles with fairly consistent success. A neat feature of the daily puzzle is that there’s a blog post about each one. (Which should not be read ahead of working on the puzzle, as there are several spoilers in each post.)

Open: I want to continue to open myself to new ideas, new experiences, new work possibilities, new places and people.

Pugh: I posted a couple of years ago about reconnecting with my former teacher, Dick Pugh, who taught me French and Drama. I would love to have a visit with him in person!

Quilt: I have some quilt squares that were made by my maternal grandmother, likely in the 1940s. I would like to make them (or have them made) into a quilt, to honor her.

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding: It’s not that I’ve never eaten this traditional English meal. I’ve eaten roast beef and Yorkshire pudding more often than I can count. But I’ve not yet eaten them in Simpson’s-in-the-Strand in London, England. Some day!

Stores: If you read my “Support Indie Bookstores” posts, you’ll know I have a Bookstore Bucket List. Many of the bookstores I’ve posted about are ones I’ve not yet visited in person, but hope to some day. Stores I haven’t yet posted about (but will!) that are high on my Bookstore Bucket List are The Blue Bunny in Dedham, Massachusetts and Harbor Books in Sag Harbor, New York.

Theatre Tours: I’ve seen one play in London’s West End, and that just whetted my appetite for more. It could be fun to go on a week-long theatre tour some day, where the group attends several plays, gets backstage tours, and other special events. Here are a couple of sites that will show you what I mean (these are just examples): Chester Theatre Company’s London Tour, The Repertory Theatre’s London Tour.

Timpani: (A second T, no extra charge.) I used to sit in the Loges seats (side boxes) when I went to concerts of the Winnipeg Symphony just so I could watch the timpanist. I’d love the chance to try those awesome drums some day! (In a total — and rather odd — coincidence, when I went searching for timpani links, I learned that the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra is seeking a timpanist. Deadline for application was April 29th.)


Vision: I want to keep expanding my vision of what is possible in my life.

Whalewatch: I hope to go on a whale watching boat tour sometime. Next time I’m in Sag Harbor in the summer time, I will go up to Montauk and venture out! In the meantime, I watch for updates on the Facebook Page of Gotham Whale, which does ecotours and educational work as well as research in New York City Harbor.


Yodeling: Ever since I was a small child watching reruns of The Roy Rogers Show and Roy Rogers movies on CKOS TV (which originated in Yorkton, another Y), I’ve wanted to be able to yodel the way he did. For a fun lesson in that style of yodeling, check out the “Yellawood Yodeling Lessons” on the Riders in the Sky website. (Scroll down and hover over the videos to see the titles.)

Z: I said I wouldn’t force it, and so I won’t. I don’t have anything for U, X or Z. Hmmm… Perhaps I’ll include a character named Zachary Xavier Ulbright in one of my books. Watch for him!


What is on YOUR bucket list?

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7 thoughts on “What’s on YOUR Bucket List? Here’s Mine (Part Two)”

  1. Another great list and all doable. Best of luck. I would love to hear you yodelling at some point. I was named Darlene Dale after Dale Evans. My parents were huge Roy Rogers and Dale Evans fans!

    1. How neat that you were named after Dale! I had two bicycles when I was a kid (my parents bought one that was too large for me to start with, so they bought another, smaller one for me to learn on. Eventually I grew into the big bike). I named the larger one Trigger and the smaller one Buttermilk. 😉

  2. Great list Beth. I think I would love to go to another Theatre show in New York. Hubby and I still have travel upper most in our minds, mmm… South Africa, back to Europe most definitely and a trip across Canada from Vancouver taking in Alaska across to Niagara. I think you would love our “whale watching experience” in Kaikora. Here’s a glimpse… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDELDYTO9xM

  3. Great bucket list, Beth. I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera in London and Les MIS with parents and a few more less heard of with foreign students. Miss Saigon might have been more local. There are lots of bands and comedians come near here but no shows except for the amazing Cirque de Soleil that I’ve seen here and M went to see The Wiggles. I’d love to go to Prague one day.

  4. Terrific. I went back to read part one, too. I love this idea of an A-Z bucket list. What a great combination of practical and philosophical.

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