Writer’s Resources — Wednesday Worthy and a GIVEAWAY!

Yes, I think writer’s resources deserve a shout-out as Wednesday Worthies. It is invaluable to an aspiring/emerging writer to learn from those who have traveled the road before.

I don’t like facing the wall when I work, so my desk faces out towards the room and I look directly at my bookcases when I look up from Mackie (Mackie is my Mac laptop and boon writing companion). The bookcase that is directly in my line of vision houses picture books on one shelf (along with a sign that says “This Space Reserved for Publications of Members of the Children’s Book Hub”), middle grade novels on the next shelf, and YA novels and writing resource books on the shelf below that. Just looking at them is inspiring. Opening them is even more so.

The picture above is the view from where I sit at my desk, although the books have been rearranged since the picture was taken. On my shelves are Jeff Herman’s Book Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents, the 2012 Writer’s Market, the 2012 Guide to Literary Agents, The Acting Bible, Susan Raab’s Author’s Guide to Children’s Book Promotion, Ann Whitford Paul’s Writing  Picture Books, Emma Walton Hamilton’s Raising Bookworms, Get Started in Film Making, Movie Speak, Notes on Directing, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Book Proposals and Query Letters, Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters, Cheryl Klein’s Second Sight,  on Mackie’s desktop is the pdf version of Katie Davis’ How to Promote Your Children’s Book (I also have the iTunes ebook), … and there are other books on the shelves in the storage room,

I also regularly consult the myriad resources in the Children’s Book Hub, my binder of notes from the Just Write for Kids course, and other resources. Where would we be without such resources at our fingertips?

Now, here’s a chance for you to have your own copy of one or two of those resources. It’s GIVEAWAY time!

I have an extra copy of the 2012 Guide to Literary Agents and an extra copy of The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters. They came with a package-deal I ordered. I already had purchased my copies. SO it seems logical that I share these books with my fellow writers.

If you would like your name entered into the draw for these books, simply say so in the comments on today’s post. Indicate in your comment whether you’d like to have a chance at Agents, Query Letters, or both books. Comments will close at 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time Thursday, March 1.  On Thursday morning, random.org will help me choose a winner for Agents and a winner for Queries.

Note: Each time you comment (for example, if you comment on each of the three posts) your name will be entered into the draw. Winners can be from anywhere (preferably on this planet).

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37 thoughts on “Writer’s Resources — Wednesday Worthy and a GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Beth,

    Looks like I need to catch up on book supplies!
    I only have about half that amount of books!…lol

    Kathy Phillips

  2. Following Kathy’s comment above, I have about 10 times as many books and neither my shelves or my floor are that tidy 🙂 Love your bookshelf and all those amazing titles. I also really love Nancy Lamb’s The Writer’s Guide To Crafting Stories For Children, and Spilling Ink by Anne Mazer and Ellen Potter which is technically written for kids but I think it’s great!

  3. It’s nice to know there’s so many good books that talk about writing, publishing, book proposals, query letters, and a combination of everything you need to know to write a book!!!
    That’s A LOT of good information!
    Erik 🙂

  4. Writer’s resources are wonderful. Very informative and helpful. You are sweet to give a couple of your extras away. If I were chosen, the agent’s book would be extremely delightful to receive.

    And yes, I am somewhere on this planet, Texas, to be more precise 🙂

  5. Fun photo, Beth, it all looks tremendously orderly. I do want to pick up Cheryl Klein’s Second Sight at some point. I have enjoyed Harold Underdown’s The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Children’s Books and The Plot Whisperer by Martha Alderson.

    I haven’t forgotten my space saved on your bookshelf. It keeps me going in moments of self doubt. 🙂

    1. I wish it looked that orderly right now! I’m so glad you keep your spot on my bookshelf in mind.

      Thanks for those book recommendations.

  6. Beth, that looks much more orderly than my writing space! Or my bookshelves for that matter! 🙂

    I would love the chance to win either book as I don’t have either one. 🙂

    1. Full disclosure — that picture looks more orderly than the writing space and bookshelves look right at this moment, too. They were all dressed up in their “best bib and tucker” for the picture!

  7. I love seeing other writer’s work space. I had to reduce mine down to half the size, and since doing that almost two years ago, I’ve been working with my laptop on my couch. You make me miss my office and bookshelves. lol And I miss the funky stuff: a wall clock wearing Shriek ears and a spice rack with bottles labeled “verbs,” “contractions,” “tension,” “plots,” etc. But it’s just soooo cramped up there.

    1. Oh, I love the idea of that spice rack! Too bad you had to reduce your work space so that it’s no longer comfortable for you. I am able to use the extra bedroom in my apartment, and appreciate that so very much.

    1. Ann Whitford Paul’s book is the sort that has to be gone through slowly, for sure, with all the exercises and things there are in it.

  8. Dorina Lazo Gilmore

    I’m interested in both books. I’m really hoping to get a bunch of manuscripts out to agents and publishers this year. Been working the last five years on the writing side!

  9. Hi Beth

    Great resources you have. I would love a copy of either book if I was lucky enough and if it didnt cost too much to send to NZ.

    Jo 🙂

  10. I love that you have the “Idiot’s Guide Complete Guide to Book Proposals and Query Letters” among your books. It’s interesting after all the exposure we’ve had to writing query letters, each agent likes something different — which I quickly learned at the SCBWI conference. Things I was told to put into the letter, Tina Wexler took out. Things I was told leave out, Tina wanted in. Like your study. And, I’m still interested in the Agent the most.

    1. It’s so hard to know how to craft a letter so a particular person will be attracted to your writing. I guess we take all the advice, do our best, and see what happens!

      You’re in the hat!

  11. Beth, your list of resources is invaluable for this newbie. I’m still trying to sort out which publications I need. Hearing from other writers is a big help. I would like to be entered into the contest for the Query Letters book. Thanks, Kirsten

  12. I like your bookshelf, Beth. Since I teach first grade, I have a gajillion picture books (well-organized) at school. All my MG, YA, and 2 resource books are scattered in different piles around my condo. Now I wish I had gone for the 2-bedroom so I could have a writing office, but the laptop on the couch seems to work okay. Oh, and I did finish my February manuscript! 🙂 Thanks for entering my name for the books!

  13. Thanks for sharing all of those great titles, Beth! You are inspiring me to get shopping (& writing!).

    And yes, please, I’d love to be entered in your give away!


  14. Sharon Putnam

    Thanks for sharing your list of resource books and have added them to my Amazon Wish List. I hate writing query letters with a purple passion and would love to be entered into the contest for the Query Letters book.

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